Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Sherman Alexie s `` Green World `` - 1195 Words
Sherman Alexie’s â€Å"Green World†recounts his experience with twelve windmills during the Second Great Depression. An old man acquired a grotesque job on an Indian reservation. His job consisted of him driving to the windmills and cleaning up the dead birds. When the first snow occurred, he witnessed quite a sight with twelve distinct bloody circles of dead birds caused by the windmills. While caught in his gaze at the reservation, an Indian approached him, and he was held at gunpoint. The Indian shot the windmill with his shotgun, only to be discouraged and walk off (16-21). In Sherman Alexie’s â€Å"Green World†, I would argue that the main intellectual conflict with the old man beckons the question is the advancement in technology worth the severe impact with the environment or should society strive for the preservation of the environment. This struggle resonates with Robert Sapolsky’s â€Å"Super Humanity†theme of it is human nature t o be unconstrained by nature because society strived to produce alternative forms of energy to help preserve nature, but society also harmed nature in the pursuit of protection. While non-reusable natural resources diminish, scientists have created engineering marvels, such as the Hoover Dam and hybrid cars, to preserve what little resources remain. Windmills are one such creation that utilizes the ever powerful wind to power generators to supply electricity, and the old man is mesmerized by them: â€Å"those windmills were rather simple and lovely butShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of Sherman Alexie s The Lone Ranger And Tonto Fistfight 1233 Words  | 5 Pagespresented. Native Americans past and present continue to face stifling issues such as racism, alcoholism, isolation and suicide. Sherman Alexie makes it his obligation in his stories and poems to show Native American resiliency through humor. By using his characters to show resiliency through humor Alexie presents humor as an i ntegral part of Native American survival. 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Americans know her as the beautiful, Indian woman who fell in love with the white settler John Smith and then threw her body upon the poor white captive to protect him from being brutally executed by her own savage tribe. The magical world of Walt Disney came out with their own movie version several years ago portraying Pocahontas as a tan, sexy Barbie doll figure and John Smith as a blond-haired, blue-eyed muscular Ken doll. Although Disney attempts to instill racial tolerance, inter-racialRead MoreLiterary Criticism : The Free Encyclopedia 7351 Words  | 30 Pagesusually wider and less technical. The birth of the Bildungsroman is normally dated to the publication of Wilhelm Meister s Apprenticeship by Johann Wolfgang Goethe in 1795–96,[8] or, sometimes, to Christoph Martin Wieland s Geschichte des Agathon of 1767.[9] Although the Bildungsroman arose in Germany, it has had extensive influence first in Europe and later throughout the world. 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Monday, December 16, 2019
Entrepreneurship And Business Skills Free Essays
Question 1 I consider an entrepreneurial individual to be a person that exercises initiative through organizing a venture with the aim of taking benefit of the opportunity presented. In addition, this individual is not afraid to make decisions regarding their venture and always accepts full responsibility of the outcome that results from their decisions (Caird, 1990). Referring to myself as entrepreneurial means I do not just wait to be given directions on my tasks but rather I set out to look for information that other people do not have and I proceed to use it appropriately. We will write a custom essay sample on Entrepreneurship And Business Skills or any similar topic only for you Order Now I can fit in any department because I focus my attention on the set goals, strive to learn quickly enough and develop new ideas. My ideas, energy, and vision would remain theoretical until I get that opportunity to practice what I do best. Brockhaus regards the entrepreneur’s dedication, talent and commitment to be valuable traits that would go to waste if the individual lacks the necessary resources, an equally talented team, and the opportunity to put their ideas into practice (Brockhaus, 1982). Once the opportunity presents itself, the entrepreneur is always prepared to utilize it appropriately. Whenever I was engaged in a group project, I always carried out my research thoroughly, focused all my efforts on the given assignment, and coordinated my group members with the aim of ensuring the project was performed in the most organized manner possible. My group members always relied on me because I am always accountable for the decision I make regarding the task at hand. However, often the decision I made turned out correct because prior to making the decision, I prefer to gather the necessary information, and then proceed to use it appropriately. In a diner that I used to work part-time in while in school, I recommended having a special dish for the customers on a particular day every week. This suggestion resulted from an observation that I had made whereby the customers often had a specific meal they consumed frequently but on occasion they preferred a change. On this occasion, I would recommend the alternative meal. I figured that a special dish once every week would create that alternative meal option. The idea worked amazingly and every Wednesdays when the special dish was offered, the diner would always be full. My entrepreneurial skills would be beneficial to the company because I place priority on achieving the set goal therefore every task assigned to me would always be performed in an exemplary manner. Because I am responsible and accountable, supervision would not be required because I never waste my time while working and instead I focus all my efforts on achieving my goal. I am willing to take risks because I consider the risky, different, or even controversial things to have an underlying opportunity that is mostly unexploited (Caird, 1990). The entrepreneur does not just look at the idea and wait for directions on how to proceed but rather develops a plan of action which will create a road map which will raise the venture from the idea stage and set in on the course of growth and materialization (Gunther and MacMillan, 2000). The position I would be assigned would present me with the necessary resources, technology and capability to focus on achieving the goals of the company. The conclusions that I come to in the Company would be reliable since I conduct thorough researches and make decisions based on comprehensive information. The Company would therefore not have to worry about reckless decisions or question the validity of my recommendations and strategies. Question 2 Every successful individual often has a story to tell regarding the challenges and obstacles that they had to overcome on their long road to success (Hauser, 2012). The biggest obstacle that I have had to face is the negative traits that I posses. However, over time I have come to the conclusion that what one lacks on one side, they compensate for it on the other. I am for instance a poor networker. The network of contacts that I started off with was very narrow and since I am not so good at connecting with people, the situation did not get any better. What I lacked in network skills, I made up for in commitment and determination. The important thing is to match the strength that compensates for your weakness and apply it (Hauser, 2012). Although, I could not connect with people easily, I could rely on myself to get the job done. The feeling that I was an ‘outsider’ reduced my reliance on other people’s help and I immersed myself in the mission that I worked towar ds. Failure was not a letdown but rather an opportunity to learn and avoid a similar mistake in the future. As a result of my commitment and determination, prospective partners sought me and my network grew not because I was good at connecting with other people but because of my drive to succeed that appealed to them. It is important to find one’s weaknesses and strengths followed by strategies to turn the weaknesses around. Every business is an entire system that contains numerous tasks which cannot be accomplished by a single individual no matter how strong that individual is. As a result, the best strategy is to focus an individual’s energy on those areas that they are strong therefore compensating for the weaknesses (Collins and Lazier, 1995). I applied the recommended strategy by Collins and Lazier in my weakness regarding poor communication skills by maximizing on my ability to think of the big picture. Although I could not persuade people to support my views, ideas and business as a whole, I could see the patterns and relationships in the environment I traded in. These patterns and relationships made me an excellent predictor of market as well as competitor moves. As a result, I did not have to persuade anyone to follow my lead, adopt my ideas, or engage in transactions with me because the statistics talked on my behalf. The consistent positive results made others to gain confidence in me. The other trait that disadvantaged me was my strong action orientation that caused me to sometimes desire to act prior to comprehensive contemplation. There are several occasions that my ventures failed resulting from my immediate actions that were based on incomplete information. These ventures failed but I did not give up on them and instead kept on trying until they succeeded. My strong action orientation was my weakness but the motivation to excel is the strength that avoided my downfall. Every time I went into a venture because I felt the need to act, my goal and result orientation pushed me until the goal was achieved. I overcame my weaknesses through the strengths that compensated for what I lacked. I would recommend such an approach to every individual who desires to overcome or turn their weaknesses into strengths. Question 3 I would choose the role of either an organizer or a moderator. Often the group is split over which is the right and the wrong approach to an activity or task (Adeak, 2010). Every individual in the group seems to think that their idea, suggestion, or plan is the correct one. However, the best plan, strategy, and organization come from extensive preparation, assessment, and consideration. I prioritize these three elements because I do not like to undertake a task while unprepared and I set my mind to achieving the goal therefore the approach used, the organization chosen and the strategy formulated all have to be centered on the goal. Since this is a group activity, achieving the goal is not only dependent on my effort but on each group member’s effort. It is therefore my responsibility to organize the team and ensure that the plan that I have formulated to achieve the goal is integrated into the whole team. Team organization is a critical component of long-term success of any b usiness therefore ensuring the team’s procedures and plans are formulated and each team member is assigned a role that they will perform effectively would guarantee positive results (Collins and Lazier, 1995). A particular occasion that I played this role was in a research project on advertising where I divided the group into sub-groups so that every sub-group could research on a sub-topic which would then be followed by consolidation of all the sub-topics. The role of a moderator would also be an appropriate role for me because I am impartial and maintain an open mind at all times. Through such an approach I believe the interests of every group member would be addressed therefore ensuring that no member is dissatisfied. One hurdle that often arises in group activities is the allocation of resources and resolution of internal disagreements (Adeak, 2010). I believe in fair treatment and therefore would ensure the resources are coordinated and allocated fairly. This step would also help reduce disagreements in the group. This quality is an indication that the moderator is an appropriate role for me. The role that I would least play in a group is that of a critic. This is majorly because I choose to look at things positively whereas the critic searches for the flaw in order to expose it. A team needs to be motivated in order to perform well but criticism often dampens the motivation of the team (Adeak, 2010). This role is therefore not appropriate for me at all. References Brockhaus, R. H. (1982), The Psychology of the Entrepreneur. In Encyclopedia of Entrepreneurship , edited by Calvin A. Kent, Donald L. Sexton, and Karl H. Vesper, Prentice Hall, New Jersey. Collins, J. C. and Lazier, W. C. (1995), Beyond Entrepreneurship: Turning Your Business into an Enduring Great Company, Prentice Hall, New Jersey. Caird, S. (1990), What does it mean to be EnterprisingBritish Journal of Management, vol. 1, Issue 3, pp. 37–145. Gunther, M., R. and MacMillan, I. (2000), The Entrepreneurial Mindset, Harvard Business School Press, Boston. Hauser, A. (2012), How to Overcome Business Weaknesses, Resources for entrepreneurs, viewed May 2, 2012, http://www.gaebler.com/Small-Business-Administration-SBA-Advice.htm What is a Team Role StructureAdeak. 2010, viewed May 2, 2012, http://www.adeak.com/2010/02/what-is-a-team-role-structure/ How to cite Entrepreneurship And Business Skills, Essay examples
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Environmental And Sustainability Reporting In India
Question: Describe about the Environmental And Sustainability Reporting In India. Answer: Introduction The globalization has turned into large paradigm of facilitating ad triggering rapid change integrations worldwide. This has impacted the domain of finance in a manner that financial globalization resulted combining the standards of auditing and financial standards together forming into an instruments of finance that can be integrated. Sustainability reporting communicates the performance elements and measures of the organization in legal and ethical manner (Ahmed et al 2013). The sustainability reporting is considered as strong communication component existing among the organizational potential stakeholders and management within standards of finance that illustrates the company performance in correlation with strategic core goals. It is evident that the sustainability reporting implementation results in enabling the organization to achieve competitive advantage along with considerable impact of the shareholders value providing benefits to stakeholders which are internal and external in nature. Hence, the increasing consideration of sustainability reporting implementation within business along with accounting and financial standards appropriate contribution, the core purpose is of analysis and discussion of IFRS role in supporting and contributing sustainability reporting in this report. Part A: International Financial Reporting Standards role within the support of Sustainability reporting Sustainability Reportings concept It is clear and evident that the obstacles in organizational implementation of sustainability is increasing continuously within each industry which has led to sustainability reporting addressing by the organizations of public and private domain, citizens and taxpayers due to the significant need arising (Alfredson et al 2006). According to various researchers the concept of sustainability reporting implies report development that presets the current needs which are either met or in the process of meeting without the future constituents, practices and standards being compromised as its needed to fulfill the demands of future. Sustainability reporting is viewed as the instrument of potential at national and organizational level as per the standards of ACCA that not only offers advantage to the companies but also offers opportunities to the government due to the incorporated communication standard, assists in consideration while making decision related to the broad level of social, envi ronment and economy. The economical characteristics of interdependence is recognized by the sustainability reporting. The concept holds macroeconomic significance at the global level (Apergis et al 2013). As mentioned by Constancio (2014), suitability reportings implementation, articulation and publication is correlated with the international and national accounting along with the GDPs use limitation as factor of criticality in indicating the progress of social and economy. Organizational sustainability reporting should incorporate the standards of accounting that are appropriate in measuring the issues of environment as per the IFRS. This might be inclusive of financial constituents exposure that are linked with the assets tangible and intangible valuation, managing inventory, retirement elements, provisions and issues of transparency which hold strengthened impact on the management of environmental sustainability. It is further asserted by the researchers Benn and Griffiths (2014) that the present approach of sustainability has turned in behavioral posture that is implemented by organization significantly in dealing with increasing obstacles and associated risk with the accountable and competitive arena of business (Ball 2006). The support and initial contribution is made by Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC) and Sustainable Accounting Standards Board (SASB) in responsibilities measurement and organizational sustainability efforts. IFRS standards are found to be reliable and better in support of determining the organizational sustainability under the international context. However, the key issues lies in time frame needed in integration and construction of IFRS The issues and the standards of sustainability takes time to overcome at the international level as perceived within real context. Even through the IFRS integration possess prolonged time frame, the IFRS is being implemented by the organizations and corporations continuously due to the national legislation and economic levels influence, illustrates the IFRS significance at global level (Barbu et al 2014a). This is primarily due to the IFRS contributing the economical sustainable growth with the use of standards of accounting that focus particularly on the sustainable and ethical manner of transactions reporting within organizational financial statements. Hence, it results in maintenance of transparency and stability of economy across the globe. Part B: Standards of Accounting in India Potential and present use of accounting standards in support of sustainability reporting International Accounting Standards Council (IASC) reported the International Accounting Standards (IAS) that was changed further by International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) (Barbu et al 2014b). Accountancy is an art form wherein the financial information sharing and communicating facilitates in regards to any corporation. This communicating is undertaken in the financial statements form which illustrated the entities state and depicts whether the management is able to control the resources of economic nature or not. The reliability, relevance and validity of the information shared is determined by the responsible accountants. Most of the organizations have considered integration of sustainability as one of the effective practices worldwide. The growing integration and acceptance of the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) as reporting of finance has facilitated various changes of significance and articulation within the industry of India accounting (Botzem 2012). The process of international standard setting is used in development of standards which can control the activities and functionalities of business corporations for several years. The consolidated financial statements are required to be prepared by all the state members of the European Union (EU) as per the standards of international financial reporting. IFRS has been implemented by various nations as their standards of country. The corporations are utilizing the reporting of integrated nature for communication and sharing the business scenario of clear and integrated kind for presenting the manner in which the resources are used for value creation in the region of India. Informed decisions can be made by the organizations by following this process and articulate strategies along with plans for increasing the risk management ability. Integrated reporting enables the organizations to construct the stakeholder and investors trust and confidence through ensuring the progress of future and further development of the corporation. Standards of accounting being standardized facilitates various nations and corporations as it hold lower risk levels and offers various advantages at varied levels (Brown and Tarca 2005). Organizations and societies are considering the issue of sustainability of central significant within India. Various range of initiatives are being taken by the organizations that can enable them to eff ectively move towards the world of sustainability. Organizations within the India are increasingly implementing and supporting the International Financial Reporting Standards. It is reported by Eccles and Saltzman (2011) that organizations worldwide are experiencing various types of risks and obstacles at varied levels. The financial statements and reporting has become far easier for the organizations through consideration of International Accounting Standards. It is of high importance that standards, strategies and implemented policies in accordance with this. The international standards and guidelines for reporting of corporate sustainability has been approved by the International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board (IAASB) (Brown 2011). Such guidelines are utilized as the organizational framework within the nation of India that assists in generation of sustainability reporting that meets the standards of globe. The concerned reporting is published publically for the investors and stakeholders to make decisions that are appropriately informed on the basis of publicly shared information. Implementation of international standards and according act of the organization has become imminent due to the organizational necessity of acting responsibly towards society and environment. This will not only assist in success assurance and organizational growth but it will also provide support to numerous processes and activities which will further result in obtaining competitive edge. Standards of International Financial Reporting and Sustainability Reporting Instruments of auditing and standards of financial reporting have become highly crucial with the movement of globalization (Chen et al 2010). IFRS was accepted and implemented by over 100 nations by the end of year 2008. Suitable and appropriate measures for environmental asset monitoring, expenditures and liabilities are provided by IFRS from the perspective of environment. Responsibility of environment is bought in the frameworks that are regulatory and market of finance is considered to be another exceptional advantage offered by IFRS. Accountability of economic, social and environmental issues must be effectively performed by the accountants as per the present and potential accounting standards usage in India for sustainability reporting support as per the investigation. It is further stated by Mariam (2012) that nearly all organizational aspects hold an impact over the environment (Darke and Gebhardy 2006). It is considered to be organizational responsibility to address concerns of emissions to land, water and air, disposal of water and planning. Their act to the environment needs to be in responsible manner by making sure that the organizational operations, processes, activities and products does not cause any societal harm in a negative manner. The sustainability reporting is primarily based on the manner in which corporations act responsibly to the environment and focus on the practices of sustainability as presented by Ruslanovna (2013). It is organizational entitys response towards the problems and issues of sustainability. The focus of the organization must be on increasing the capital of five sorts of capital with the impact consideration of long term on the influence and wealth of the organization on the environment (Epstein et al 2008). Such five capitals involve social, natural, human, manufactures and financial. The capital of natural is correlated with the performance of environment and it is necessary for the organizations to make sure that natural resources are utilized in an effective manner for the production of their services and products without any manner of environmental harm. The capital of social and human drives the organizational social performance and the concentration on articulating effective social and human relations for sustainability achievement is essential for the organizations management (Epstein et al 2010). The economic performance is linked with the organizations performance of finance which influences the broad economy in a strong manner. The accountants role previously was limited within sustainability to concentrate on articulation and publishing the reports of sustainability. The India based profession of accountancy in particular emphasizes on the identification of latest opportunities in market and availing them. The accountants that are professionally qualified presently are focused on the societal needs in order to accordingly respond to it. These accountants are responsible behind capital maintenance and ensuring adequate management of sustainability. The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) is a framework of detailed reporting as highlighted by Eccles and Saltzman (2011) that directs the qualified accounts to articulate the financial reporting in consideration of economic, social and environmental problem (Fontes et al 2005). This not only offers principles of reporting but also focuses on standard disclosure with the indicators of performance. It is stated by the IFRS that there are no standards which are accepted in general and accountants approve throughout the globe. Standards such as these are specifically designed with the objective of increased transparency and developing the act of corporation towards more responsibility. Information and factual data availability is the basis of sustainability reporting which can be utilized by the stakeholders as well as investors to take business decision that are appropriate for the organizations future. The IFRS utilization can assist in management and maintenance of financial reportings effectiveness and efficiency. Sustainable economic growth is ensured by the implementation of IFRS even through the process of implementation is prolonged (Iatridis and Rouvolis 2010). Benefit of the varied standards of accounting is taken which particularly promotes the transaction reporting and financial reporting generation in sustainable and ethical manner (Ven et al 2011). All the corporations operating in any subjective domain across the globe must act in a responsible way to society by adopting ways for resource utilization with efficiency and ensuring that social wellbeing as well as environment is protected. Certain standards were highlighted by the researcher named Lusher (2012) that are present for identification and report of sustainability related issues (Iatridis 2010). International accepted and followed standards of corporate sustainable reporting has been articulated and approved by the International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board (IAASB). Sustainability reporting is guided by the GRI that is to be followed by qualified and professional accountants for ensuring integrated reporting development. It is important that reports provide understanding of social, financial and environmental issues for the concerned stakeholders including appropriate analysis of the involved costs. A framework of sustainability is generated by the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC) that delivers defined guidelines to the accountants within the profession (Kent and Stewart 2008). The framework of sustainability focuses on the accountants role as the drivers of change which will influenc e the corporation to implement sustainability within various activities. The organizational objectives and mission should involve sustainability as an integral component. It is challenging for the corporations to implement sustainability and consider it throughout all processes and in each of the domain while addressing the sustainability reporting need. Barriers and Opportunities for Accountants articulating reports of sustainability It is claimed by Lange (2012) that sustainability reporting involve certain key barriers and opportunities for the professional accountants. The importance of sustainability reporting is to be kept in view by the accountants that are professionally qualified. The focus must remain on growing transparency and setting clear policies of corporate to protect the reputation and brand name of the organizations and obtain edge in competition by the accountants. In development of financial reports and policies, the various issues within economy, social and environment needs to be considered within account (Li 2010). The risks of business linked with these issues and factors can be removed through addressing these certain issues. It is considered to be an obstacle for organizations to conduct their operation and achievement of objectives while giving priority to the problems and issues of environment, social and economy. It is mentioned by Habek (2013) that it is of grave importance that International Standards of Accounting are considered while the accountants develop statements of finance for any organization. There is presence of extreme pressure by the stakeholders of internal and external nature for the corporations to concentrate on effective measures implementation for reporting the issues of social and environmental kind along with the measures related to reporting of finance (Nobes 2014). There is an influence from the stakeholders on the organizations that involve such information within the reports of finance to make sure that the actions of corporations are responsible towards the environment as well as society. Various elements of the corporation are presented in the financial reports due to the increased emphasis of organizations utilization of framework of integrated reporting. Decisions as well as perception in regards to an organization is formed by the stakeholders and investors thr ough this information. It has become growingly imminent for the corporations to play an essential part in improving the environment through focus on various issue and problems of environment. It is also stated by the Swarr (2011) that integrated reporting offers an opportunity to the accountants with growing transparency and evidently presenting all the procedures and transactions of financial nature. There is awareness among the managers for the need of widening their objectives and goals above the expectations of finance (Pacter 2014). It is essential to provide importance to development of business model and sustainability that focuses on the societal and environmental goals. The strategies of the organization should be designed to develop a holistic, balanced and long term manner to provide the advantage to the stakeholders that are present and will associate in future. Ten sustainable forces are indicated by the standards of IFRC which influence the organizations globally and possess an impact of its development and growth. Such forces involve decline in ecosystem, scarcity of nutritional goods, and change in climate, deforestation, fuel and energy along with growth of population, less water, urbanization and management of wealth (Shroff et al 2013). The corporations are held accountable for the issues of environment and major support is provided by the IFRS for sustainable supporting that offers the corporations with opportunity of implementing activities which can assist in sustainability influence. IFRS are implemented in major India corporations and has assisted these corporation in obtaining competitive advantage by integrated reporting and suitability reporting publishing. Conclusion This report is based on the essential two parts. It is concluded that Part A presents the increased implementation of sustainability reporting that is based primarily on achievement of advantage in competition and results in effective growth of corporation as compared to the competitive organizations (Tyrrall et al 2007). However, it is identified through the analysis that organizations concern of sustainability and associated practices extremely contribute toward the organizations successful growth apart from the profitability. Moreover, international bodies are found to be most supportive of sustainability reporting apart from the interventions of national government. Furthermore, considerable existence of accounting standards within India is discussed in Part B. It is found that the entire region hold profound usage of integrated reporting. Implementation of IFRS is effective within the nation, as the framework is increasingly implementing within the organizations for increased levels of competitiveness. It is further concluded that the accountants are focusing on the societal needs in order to accordingly respond to it as they are responsible in capital maintenance and enforcing the practices that are sustainable. However, obstacles for the accountants lies within articulation and integration of IFRS within their frameworks and reports of accounting and finance (Wang 2014). The contributions of IFRS will assist in overcoming the issues of sustainability within international context through continual progression. References Ahmed, A.S., Neel, M. and Wang, D., 2013. Does mandatory adoption of IFRS improve accounting quality? Preliminary evidence.Contemporary Accounting Research,30(4), pp.1344-1372. Alfredson, K., Leo, K., Picker, P., Procter, P., Radford, J. and Wise, V., 2006. Applying international financial reporting standards. Al-Najjar, B., 2013. 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