Friday, May 22, 2020
Social Networking An Important Aspect Of Communication
This paper will show how social networking is an important aspect of communication in the modern world. Social networking is the fastest way to promote any innovation in the business market. A business can gain reputation by staying ahead of their game and use social networks to interact with their consumers, such as Wendy’s on Twitter. Small businesses can use Facebook and Twitter to excel in a short period. The usage of important sources, educational support and plenty of other data can be accessed via social networking. Though there are some negative effects of social networking. One aspect is how effortless the information can be accessed by anyone. Introduction Social networking has been a part of our society for a long time now.†¦show more content†¦It’s not just about that with social networking, there are some advantages that people can benefit from it. Social networking is the fastest way to increase any business and get reputation in the market. Social networking can make a huge difference in the success of a business. When a business launches any new product, they can advertise it across the different types of social platforms. This can show people how to operate it and what benefits can be accessed through that device. There are times where not everyone can be present at the actual conference, however can use Skype to video call. One feature of Skype is being allowed to annotate and real-time collaborate with the other conference members without much hassle (Professional Online n.d.). There is more than one positive effect of the social networking websites. Before hiring someone, the HR can find information about this certain applicant. Social networking websites tell you about everyone. It has information on every person. Social networking websites are helpful in every manner of life. One example, a person having trouble with their car may find answers through a Google search, instead of an inspection at a mechanic’s. 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Sunday, May 10, 2020
Abnormal Psychology Essay - 855 Words
Abnormal Psychology Abnormal psychology in the area within psychology that is focused on maladaptive behavior-its causes, consequences, and treatment. Abnormal psychology deals with how it feels to be different, the meanings the get attached to being different, and how society deals with people whom it considers to be different. The spectrum of differences is wide, ranging from reality defying delusions and severe debilitations to worries and behavioral quirks that we would be better off not having but do not significantly interfere with our daily lives. An example of the milder end of the spectrum is a man who was an eminently successful district attorney, was elected governor of New York on three occasions, and was almost elected†¦show more content†¦Joan was a very successful business women working for a major stock broker firm. She was quickly moving up the ladder and had just received a big promotion on what she hoped would be her way to the top. Houghtons normal life was abruptly interr upted one day when she broke down and began to see things and also hear things that did not exist. She had been in and out of mental health care her entire adult life, but now she had reached the breaking point. She began to lose touch with everyone in her life. She stopped showing up for work and eventually was committed to a mental institution by her family. Houghtons break with reality required an intense treatment during a long period of hospitalization. There are many possible explanations for Joans break down. Her life had been fairly normal expect when she was 6 years old her father molested her. Joan told her mother a few weeks later. Knowing that her husband probably did molest her she tried to convince Joan that it was just bad dream. She just could not imagine asking her husband if her had done this horrible act. She was very much afraid of him. So the molesting continued for another three years. These events haunted her entire life, and most likely were the cause of her mental break down. (Houghton, 1982,pp. 548-549) Governor Dewey and Joan Houghton might be described asShow MoreRelated Abnormal Psychology2516 Words  | 11 PagesThe field of abnormal psychology engages with the obscure line between normal and abnormal behaviour. This blur is as a result of the dissonance that occurs when the two terms are defined for example, when cultural perspectives are taken into consideration-where behaviour (for example sake, experiencing hallucinations) considered deviant in one population is normalcy in another. In attempt to make the field comprehensive a middle ground was determined by drawing on the common elements or patternsRead MoreThe Psychology Of Abnormal Behavior2157 Words  | 9 PagesThe Psychology of Abnormal Behavior can be describe as has having a behavior that deviates form what is the expected and normal. If abnormal psychology is the study of unusual patterns of behavior, emotion and though, then Hollywood depiction of mental disord er in the movie Helen meets the criterion of the teaching of Dr. Conley’s Abnormal Psychology class. Goole Play synopsis of the 2008 Sandra Nettelbeck’s Helen. On the outside, Helen( Aheley Judd) has the perfect life a loving family, a beautifulRead MoreAbnormal Psychology967 Words  | 4 PagesAbnormal Psychology Roshaun Hatchett PSY/410 April 25, 2012 Dr. Christopher Daub Abnormal Psychology Abnormal psychology has been in existence for more than a century. Mental illness was approached from a spiritual point of view. Individuals of certain beliefs would misdiagnose others from the spiritual perspective and would assume that evil spirits controlled his or her’s physical, mental, and observable world (Tyrer, 2010). The following will be covered in this document: theRead MoreAbnormal Psychology1605 Words  | 7 PagesAbnormal Psychology Psychology is the study of the mind and behavior. It seeks to comprehend people by understanding mental functions and social behavior. It also explores neurobiological and physiological processes that can drive cognitive functions and behaviors. It is this drive to understand mental processes that pushes psychologists to want to learn about what is normal and abnormal behavior. People have tried for thousands of years to understand and define abnormal behavior. In the past 100Read MoreAbnormal Psychology. Classification and Assessment of Abnormal Behavior20707 Words  | 83 Pages3 CHAPTER Classification and Assessment of Abnormal Behavior CHAPTER OUTLINE HOW ARE ABNORMAL BEHAVIOR PATTERNS METHODS OF ASSESSMENT 80–99 CLASSIFIED? 70–77 The Clinical Interview The DSM and Models of Abnormal Behavior Computerized Interviews Psychological Tests STANDARDS OF ASSESSMENT 77–80 Neuropsychological Assessment Reliability Behavioral Assessment Validity Cognitive Assessment Physiological Measurement SOCIOCULTURAL AND ETHNIC FACTORS IN ASSESSMENT 99–100 SUMMING UP 100–101 TRead MoreQuestions on Abnormal Psychology4701 Words  | 19 Pagesand perceptual factors.  C.Medical, sociological, and psychological factors.  D.Cultural, medical, and gender factors. Answer Key: A Question 2 of 50 1.0 Points Concerning the cause of dissociative disorders, _______ dominate(s) this field of psychology.  A.theory and speculation  B.statistical analysis from experiments  C.observation and patient interviews  D.experimental research with controlled groups Answer Key: A Question 3 of 50 1.0 Points Jill was the victim of a fender-bender accidentRead MoreThe Psychology Of Abnormal Psychology1580 Words  | 7 PagesBefore discussing the definition of abnormal psychology, it is first important to identify the real meaning of the word â€Å"Abnormal†. For laymen to be asked of the definition of the word Abnormal, it is common to encounter answers such as people and behaviors that is weird, strange and odd. These characterizations are not enough to fully describe the true and deeper meaning of the word Abnormal. It is important to consider characteristics in defining abnormal such as whether the behavior is causingRead MorePathological Psychology : Abnormal Behavior948 Words  | 4 Pages According to the modern perspective of abnormal psychology, abnormal behavior exists when an individual is behaving dangerously and/or showing patterns of behavior that are dysfunctional. Nevertheless, determining insanity among sanity has proven to be much more complicated than it sou nds. An individual whose behavior strays from societal standards is not necessarily abnormally deviant or insane. John Hu simply exhibits behaviors that are different from that of typical European/French social normsRead MorePathological Psychology : Abnormal Psychology1204 Words  | 5 Pagesdefinition for behavior that is labeled abnormal. It is this way due to the fact that society in its entirety has to agree on normative behavior. Because society will never have the exact same views, opinions, beliefs, or culture, an unmistakable definition will not occur. A simplified definition of this behavior is unusual conduct that goes against what is classified as ordinary in society. The study of this sort of behavior is abnormal psychology. Abnormal psychology focuses on atypical sequences of conductRead MoreSymptoms And Symptoms Of Abnormal Psychology1527 Words  | 7 PagesAccording to Cherry (2016), abnormal psychology is a branch within psychology that focuses on behaviour th at is unusual and not deemed as normal within society. This branch of psychology is composed of a variety of disorders and their causes as well as possible management and/or treatment. With this in mind and within this assignment, I will discuss the causes of abnormal behaviour, discuss the causes and symptoms of mood disorder as well as discuss the background and importance of Sigmund Freud
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Satan Rebel or Hero Free Essays
John Milton’s epic, Paradise Lost, has had numerous, diverse evaluations and translations. Milton’s objective in composing it was to explicate the storyline of Adam and Eve. Even though the epic is like the biblical story in some regard, Milton’s character arrangement deviates from that of the Bible’s story. We will write a custom essay sample on Satan: Rebel or Hero? or any similar topic only for you Order Now All through the epic, Milton illustrates the characters in the manner he imagines they are. In Paradise Lost, Milton depicts Satan as someone with heroic and insubordinate characteristics, but it becomes clear that Satan is not a hero. To demonstrate how major Satan is to Paradise Lost, Milton begins with an introduction of Satan. He utilizes Satan’s valiant traits to his supporters, and his depravity capability to present the fine line between the virtuous and the wicked. Satan, who was called Lucifer, was a highly regarded angel in Heaven. This proves that he was formerly upstanding. The reader views Satan as a powerfully authoritative leader to all in his company. Milton illustrates Satan’s behavior when saying, â€Å"His pride/ had cast him out from Heaven, with all his host. Of rebel angels, by whose aspiring/ To set himself in glory above his peers†(Milton, 4). Arrogance was the chief cause why God banished Satan from Heaven. Satan constantly attempted to be the person in charge, instead of abiding God’s rules. He could have made a living in Paradise eternally, but his rebellious feelings were too strong as he declares, â€Å"Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven†(M ilton, 31). This demonstrates how keen he felt about not being below fellow angels. Multiple happenings like the previously mentioned ones are used as persuasion to see Satan as a hero. Satan is seen as the central and smartest angel. Satan is recognized as the second most powerful under God who has the most power. Before Satan chooses to renounce his current lifestyle and defy God, he was one of the most alluring and clever angels in heaven. Even though Satan was attractive, the main feature that makes him heroic is that he was the most commanding angel. This assists him significantly in his uprising against God because the additional angels admire him. An additional ability can be seen in the rebellion, his speech talent. Satan is capable of convincing his fellow angels to accompany him in his revolt. When Satan states, â€Å"to govern, not to serve,†he stresses freedom and persuades others to join him and his rebellion. Satan orates all throughout the story. His speeches are lengthy yet persuasive. Satan convinces one-third of all the angels in Heaven to team up with him. His orations heighten his followers’ interest and confidence in him. †To suffer, as to do/ our strength is equal; nor the law unjust/That so ordains. This was at first resolved, /If we were wise, against so great a foe /Contending, and so doubtful what might fall†(Milton, 68). In this part of Satan’s talk, Milton presents Satan’s skill by his diction. In addition, this shows why the others admire Satan, as Hamilton says, â€Å"Satan is seen as a prince of Hell, as Well as commoner and matchless chief†(Hamilton, 21). After obtaining supporters, Satan is prepared for war against God. Satan’s speech about locating in the Capitol of Hell, Pandemonium, is an a rousing one. â€Å"To have built Heaven high towers/Nor did he scape/ By all his engines but was headlong sent/ With industrious crew to build in Hell†(Milton, 55). The reader sees how much Satan enjoys the attention when his supporters root for him. This exemplifies the important responsibility that Satan’s arrogance takes part in his judgment. Satan’s arrogance messes with his plot many different times. By doing this, Satan starts to fret about himself and the views of himself in his supporters’ eyes. Satan carries on stating, â€Å"Should we again provoke Our Stronger, some worse way his wrath may find to our destruction†(Milton, 63). ?This speech appears to be one of Satan’s top moments because his followers are ready to work with Satan, and he enjoys being the leader of his followers. Now that Satan has peeked his power, he begins to decrease his heroic traits. The primary signal is after his speech, â€Å"I should be much for open war, O peers/ As not behind in hate, if what was urged/ Main reason to persuade immediate war/ Did not dissuade me most†(Milton, 64). Satan seems to be swamped with thoughts of how he is going to challenge God. Satan is still seen as a hero to his supporters due to how he goes to face God unaided, â€Å"Satan their chief, undertakes alone the voyage, is honored and applauded†(Milton, 59). Though, Milton displays this side of Satan to make them think before guessing that Satan is the hero of the story. Even with the â€Å"heroic qualities†Satan has, one does not have to consider him â€Å"heroic†(Hamilton, 14). This speech foreshadows an oration that puts evidence against Satan being a hero. Satan is not as courageous as he was in the initial part of the story, but he has descended to sneakiness. Milton starts to show these characteristics to recognize the reality of Satan. Along with these details, the reader can notice how Satan is not a hero, but merely a person with a lot of power dependence with multiple heroic traits. Satan can be seen as a hero in the epic’s beginning, but Milton alters the outlook of Satan radically as the epic goes on. Satan is actually a self-centered weakling that let his â€Å"pride lead to ingratitude towards God†from the epic’s start (Weber, 25). Even though Satan is a superb speech giver and grand warrior, he appears duplicitous of what he says to his supporters in what he thinks and what he actually performs. Satan’s initial introduction is an instance of this. Satan tells the others fallen angels to not be scared, despite his own fright. All throughout the epic, Satan’s character depreciates. Satan is seen as a grand fighter and then as time passes, his own supporters start to disbelieve him. Milton has his bright hero go forward to be seen and then repelled. This shows how the two most heroic traits that Milton utilizes to portray Satan as an insubordinate hero were diminished, and Milton’s Satan is not a hero ultimately. Works Cited Hamilton, George Rostrevor. Hero or Fool? A Study of Milton’s Satan. London: G. Allen and Uwin Ltd. , 1944. Milton, John. Paradise Lost: Books I and II. Boston: Ginn, Heath, Pc Co. , 1883. ? Weber, Burton Jasper. The Constitution of Paradise Lost. Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press, 1971. How to cite Satan: Rebel or Hero?, Papers
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