Monday, August 26, 2019

Disease or conditions of the body Research Paper

Disease or conditions of the body - Research Paper Example h one’s body is unable to produce adequate levels of insulin to help drive the glucose to the body cells that need it for energy production (Poretsky, 2009). Also, the body may be unable to use the insulin it produces in effectively facilitating the process of generating energy. Since the body will be unable to use the glucose produced from the digestive process in the body, it will pile up in blood, leading to very high levels of sugar in the blood. This situation is also very detrimental to one’s health since it can lead to further health complications. For instance, the increased blood sugars can damage blood vessels thereby affecting kidneys as well as the heart (PenÄ ić-Popović, et al., 2014). Hence, diabetes is also associated with a host of other diseases including coronary diseases, blindness, and kidney problems among others. There are three main types of diabetes. These are Type 1 diabetes, Type 2 diabetes, and Gestational diabetes. Type 1 diabetes or insulin-dependent diabetes is also called juvenile-onset diabetes because in most cases it begins affecting people in their childhood. This is an autoimmune condition arising from the body launching an attack to its own pancreas by producing antibodies that affect the functioning of the pancreas. Therefore, the pancreas becomes unable to produce insulin, leading to an increase in blood sugar levels in the body (Poretsky, 2009). This type of diabetes can be caused by a variety of issues including the genetic predisposition of someone. It can also result from faulty beta cells that produce insulin in the pancreas. This diabetic condition is also associated with many other health complications including stroke, heart disease, kidney problems, and damages to blood vessels in the eyes and nerves (EkoeÃŒ , 2008). Type 2 diabetes is the most common type of diabetes, which accounts for about 95% of all diabetes cases among adults. This is also considered a milder type of diabetes in comparison to Type 1, but

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