Saturday, November 30, 2019
Mexican Immigrants in Carolina
Introduction Immigration by Mexicans into the US has led to a large demographic change in some States. While the US is made up of immigrants from countries all over the world, Mexico deserves special attention since it contributes to 30% of all immigrants making them the largest group of foreign-born immigrants (Jimenez, 2007). North Carolina has experienced an influx of people who identify themselves as Hispanic or Latino.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Mexican Immigrants in Carolina specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More With a 400% increase in the Latino population between 1990 and 2000, the US Census Bureau has identified North Carolina as the state with the fastest growing Latino population (U.S. Census, 2001). At the onset, the influx of immigrants in North Carolina was necessitated by the labor demands of the State. However, this flow of immigrant has reached high levels and the citizens of the State a re divided as to the value of Mexican Immigrants. While supporters of the immigrants state that they provide valuable services to the State, opponents argue that these immigrants are responsible for a myriad of negative outcomes including increased violence and social insecurity. In light of these conflicting views, this paper will set out to conduct a research on Mexican immigrants in the US in order to illustrate that while they have both positive and negative aspects, the negative far outweigh the positive. Negative Aspects of Mexican Immigrants Mexican immigrants make the streets unsafe by engaging in practices such as drug dealing. Morris (2000) notes that â€Å"a disproportionate number of those charged with drug crimes are men of Hispanic descent†(p.116). Mexico has established itself as the country that provides most of the illegal drugs that get into the US. The immigrant Mexicans play a significant role in this drug industry and Morris (2000) asserts that the amoun t of drugs entering the American boarders through Mexicans immigrants is overwhelming. This has negative and dire impacts on the American economy as well as the citizens themselves. Drug traffic is suppressing other business from thriving while creating an environment that favors economic stress such as inflation. As a matter of fact, most of these drugs end up in the hands of the minority communities. These drugs are sold to the youth with negative consequences on their future lives. In addition to this, the volume of drug-related violence is on the rise due to Mexican immigrants. Opponents of Mexican immigrants argue that this group poses additional strain to the social facilities provided to the country’s citizens. Specifically, Mexicans engage in habits that increase their chances of suffering from lifestyle diseases. Latino men consume alcohol at a rate that is significantly higher than that of men of other races in the US.Advertising Looking for research paper on s ocial sciences? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The CDC (2006) reports that 23% of Latino men engage in binge drinking which is the overconsumption of alcohol at single occasion. The percentage of Mexicans who smoke tobacco is also significantly high with the CDC (2006) reporting that 23% of Mexican men are smokers. These habits are detrimental to the well being of the individual. Tobacco and alcohol use are the major causes of preventable deaths in the use with tobacco contributing 445,000 and alcohol use 85,000 deaths annually (Mokdad, 2004). These substances also lead to many negative health consequences. Critics of immigration argue that the Mexicans overburden the health care system since alcohol and tobacco uses have serious health consequences. Mexican immigrants add a strain to the already burdened welfare system in the US. Most of the Mexicans are attracted to the US by the higher earning power that is available in the US. However, the cost of living in the US is much higher than in Mexico and many immigrants living in poverty. Camarota (2001) observes that there is an overrepresentation of Mexican immigrants in the number of uninsured and poor Americans with 50% of the immigrants living in poverty and 33% of them having no health insurance. This group of immigrants ends up depending on the government because they experience job insecurity problems (Lacy, 2007). As such, the infiltration of Mexican immigrants into the country has greatly strained the social amenities meant for the native US citizens. Mexicans immigrants are involved in high-level crimes and their presence therefore increases the security risk in the State. Due to the low levels of income and job insecurities experienced by many Mexican immigrants, the levels of crime in majority Mexican neighborhoods are high. Further reinforcing the idea that Mexican’s are involved in criminal activity is the fact that Mexican immigrants are disproportionately represented in the list of most wanted criminals in the country (Jimenez 2007).This high rate of crime has led to the criminal justice department being involved with the Mexican population at a significantly high rate. Perhaps the most significant issue with Mexican immigrants is that most of them enter into the US without authorization. Jimenez (2007) states that the large numbers of illegal Mexican immigrants has led to numerous policy debates about immigration. The problem of illegal Mexican immigration has led the US government to invest significant amounts of money to try mitigate the problem.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Mexican Immigrants in Carolina specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More For example, the government has established a Secure Border Initiative that is aimed at controlling the immigration problem by closing off all non-ports of entry used by Mexicans to come to the U S. The government has deployed national guards to protect the border and employed more border patrol agents. The money required to carry out this deterrence exercises if provided by the taxpayers. Mexican Immigrants have reduced the earning power of Americans especially in the non-skilled market. Most of the immigrants work in the state’s secondary labor market, most of them filling jobs in restaurants, construction, landscaping, and agriculture. The immigrants provide cheap labor due to the lack of professional skills. The alternative population of Americans is quite educated which makes their labor a bit expensive compared to the Mexican immigrants. Odem and Lacy (2009) notes that Mexican workers are preferred by some employers since they are highly productive and willing to work for low wages. This trend lowers the wage rates and this is detrimental to the native-born labor force. Positive Aspects of Mexican Immigrants In spite of the many ills attributed to Mexican immigr ants, the US gains enjoys some major benefits because of these group. Most notably, the Mexican immigrants have contributed to the growth of the economy (Griswold, 2012). As was previously noted, the major motivation for immigrating is to seek better job opportunities. The immigrants take on jobs that the Americans cannot take and in addition to that, they are willing to work with a very low wage reward. This has boosted the US economy and has led to more production with the cheap and efficient labor that these immigrants provide. By employing the unskilled immigrants, employers keep the cost of operation down hence enhancing productivity, which is an advantage to the US economy. The unskilled workers are mainly employed in the hospitality industry and transport. These are low-income jobs that locals are unwilling to take. The immigrants do not mind these kinds of jobs and hence they come in handy in such industries and the greater good is that the economy grows. Mexicans immigrants contribute to the cultural diversity for which the US is well known. Most immigrants come to the US and continue to practice their cultures and traditions including taste in food and music.Advertising Looking for research paper on social sciences? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More This has a positive effect as more people are exposed to the cultural practices of Mexico. Jimenez (2007) observes that the huge influx of Mexican immigrants has â€Å"facilitated the entrance of Mexican popular culture into mainstream popular culture†(p.613). Mexican immigrants therefore contribute to the enrichment of the American culture. Mexican immigrants contribute to the growth of the American economy by using their money to buy consumer goods that are taxed and pay rent for their houses. Even though most immigrants move to the US with the hope of making money and sending it back to their mother country, the major portion of their money is used in the US. Lacy (2007) notes that the cost of living in the US is high and most immigrants end up sending very little money home. The immigrants therefore fuel economic growth by making money and using it in the US. Discussion and Conclusion Immigration is an important issue that has attracted the attention of most Americans. M exican immigrants have been singled out due to their huge numbers in states such as North Carolina. Most Immigrants consider their presence in the US as temporary and they intend to move back to Mexico once they have saved up enough money. The major advantage of Mexican immigrants is the economic value that they add to the country. Even so, the immigrants cause some significant negative social and economic outcomes during their stay in the US. For this reason, there has been a rise in anti-Mexican sentiments in most border line States and North Carolina. These sentiments have been fueled by the substantial financial and economic costs associated with Mexican immigrants. A solution therefore needs to be developed to deal with this problem that poses significant social and economic costs for the country. This paper set out to discuss the merits and demerits of Mexican immigrants in the US. It began by noting that Mexico has provided the highest number of immigrants to the US. It then proceeded to outline some of the problems that arise because of immigrants in the State. These problems include high rates of crime and drug dealing, an overburden of the health care system, and increased load on the social welfare system in the US. However, there are also advantages accrued from Mexican immigrants and this includes economic growth, and cultural diversity in the US. From this paper, it can be concluded that while Mexican immigration to the US has some positive results, it has mostly led to many serious problems. Policy makers therefore need to take action to mitigate the growing population of Mexican Immigrants in the US. References Camarota, S.A. (2001). Immigration from Mexico: Study Examines Costs and Benefits for the United States. Retrieved from: Griswold, T.D. (2012). Introduction Is Immigration Good for America? Cato Journal, 32 (1), 1-4. Jimenez, T. (2007). Weighing the Costs and Benefits of Mexican Immigration: The Mexican - American Perspective. Social Science Quarterly, 88(3), 599-618. Lacy, E. (2007). Mexican immigrants in South Carolina: a Profile. Retrieved from: Mokdad, A. (2004). Actual causes of death in the United States, 2000. JAMA, 291(10), 1238-1245. Morris, M. (2000). Translation and the Law. NY: John Benjamins Publishing. Odem, E., Lacy, C. (2009). Latino Immigrants and the Transformation of the U.S. South. Georgia: University of Georgia Press. U.S. Census. (2001). United States census bureau interactive census database. Web. This research paper on Mexican Immigrants in Carolina was written and submitted by user Kenneth Horn to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
All About the Rise and Fall of the Berlin Wall
All About the Rise and Fall of the Berlin Wall Erected in the dead of night on August 13, 1961, the Berlin Wall (known as Berliner Mauer in German) was a physical division between West Berlin and East Germany. Its purpose was to keep disaffected East Germans from fleeing to the West. When the Berlin Wall fell on November 9, 1989, its destruction was nearly as instantaneous as its creation. For 28 years, the Berlin Wall had been a symbol of the Cold War and the Iron Curtain between Soviet-led Communism and the democracies of the West. When it fell, it was celebrated around the world. A Divided Germany and Berlin At the end of World War II, the Allied powers divided conquered Germany into four zones. As agreed at the Potsdam Conference, each was occupied by either the United States, Great Britain, France, or the Soviet Union. The same was done in Germanys capital city, Berlin. The relationship between the Soviet Union and the other three Allied powers quickly disintegrated. As a result, the cooperative atmosphere of the occupation of Germany turned competitive and aggressive. One of the best-known incidents was the Berlin Blockade in June of 1948 during which the Soviet Union stopped all supplies from reaching West Berlin. Although an eventual reunification of Germany had been intended, the new relationship between the Allied powers turned Germany into West versus East and democracy versus Communism. In 1949, this new organization of Germany became official when the three zones occupied by the United States, Great Britain, and France combined to form West Germany (the Federal Republic of Germany, or FRG). The zone occupied by the Soviet Union quickly followed by forming East Germany (the German Democratic Republic, or GDR). This same division into West and East occurred in Berlin. Since the city of Berlin had been situated entirely within the Soviet Zone of Occupation, West Berlin became an island of democracy within Communist East Germany. The Economic Differences Within a short period of time after the war, living conditions in West Germany and East Germany became distinctly different. With the help and support of its occupying powers, West Germany set up a capitalist society. The economy experienced such a rapid growth that it became known as the economic miracle. With hard work, individuals living in West Germany were able to live well, buy gadgets and appliances, and travel as they wished. Nearly the opposite was true in East Germany. The Soviet Union had viewed their zone as a spoil of war. They had pilfered factory equipment and other valuable assets from their zone and shipped them back to the Soviet Union. When East Germany became its own country in 1949, it was under the direct influence of the Soviet Union and a Communist society was established. The economy of East Germany dragged and individual freedoms were severely restricted. Mass EmigrationFrom the East Outside of Berlin, East Germany had been fortified in 1952. By the late 1950s, many people living in East Germany wanted out. No longer able to stand the repressive living conditions, they would head to West Berlin. Although some of them would be stopped on their way, hundreds of thousands made it across the border. Once across, these refugees were housed in warehouses and then flown to West Germany. Many of those who escaped were young, trained professionals. By the early 1960s, East Germany was rapidly losing both its labor force and its population. Between 1949 and 1961, its estimated that nearly 2.7 million people fled East Germany. The government was desperate to stop this mass exodus. The obvious leak was the easy access East Germans had to West Berlin. With the support of the Soviet Union, there had been several attempts to simply take over West Berlin. Although the Soviet Union even threatened the United States with the use of nuclear weapons over this issue, the United States and other Western countries were committed to defending West Berlin. Desperate to keep its citizens, East Germany knew that something needed to be done. Famously, two months before the Berlin Wall appeared, Walter Ulbricht, Head of the State Council of the GDR (1960–1973) said, Niemand hat die Absicht, eine Mauer zu errichten. These iconic words mean, No one intended to build a wall. After this statement, the exodus of East Germans only increased. Over those next two months of 1961, nearly 20,000 people fled to the West. The Berlin Wall Goes Up Rumors had spread that something might happen to tighten the border of East and West Berlin. No one was expecting the speed nor the absoluteness of the Berlin Wall. Just past midnight on the night of August 12-13, 1961, trucks with soldiers and construction workers rumbled through East Berlin. While most Berliners were sleeping, these crews began tearing up streets that entered into West Berlin. They dug holes to put up concrete posts and strung barbed wire all across the border between East and West Berlin. Telephone wires between East and West Berlin were also cut and railroad lines were blocked. Soldiers closing off East Berlin with barbed wire fences. Keystone / Getty Images Berliners were shocked when they woke up that morning. What had once been a very fluid border was now rigid. No longer could East Berliners cross the border for operas, plays, soccer games, or any other activity. No longer could the approximately 60,000 commuters head to West Berlin for well-paying jobs. No longer could families, friends, and lovers cross the border to meet their loved ones. Whichever side of the border one went to sleep on during the night of August 12, they were stuck on that side for decades. The Size and Scope of the Berlin Wall The total length of the Berlin Wall was 91 miles (155 kilometers). It can not only through the center of Berlin, but also wrapped around West Berlin, entirely cutting it off from the rest of East Germany. The wall itself went through four major transformations during its 28-year history. It started out as a barbed-wire fence with concrete posts. Just days later, on August 15, it was quickly replaced with a sturdier, more permanent structure. This one was made out of concrete blocks and topped with barbed wire. The first two versions of the wall were replaced by the third version in 1965. This consisted of a concrete wall supported by steel girders. The fourth version of the Berlin Wall, constructed from 1975 to 1980, was the most complicated and thorough. It consisted of concrete slabs reaching nearly 12-feet high (3.6 meters) and 4-feet wide (1.2 meters). It also had a smooth pipe running across the top to hinder people from scaling it. Bettmann Archive / Getty Images By the time the Berlin Wall fell in 1989, there was a 300-foot No Mans Land and an additional inner wall. Soldiers patrolled with dogs and a raked ground showed footprints. The East Germans also installed anti-vehicle trenches, electric fences, massive light systems, 302 watchtowers, 20 bunkers, and even minefields. Over the years, propaganda from the East German government would say that the people of East Germany welcomed the Wall. In reality, the oppression they suffered and the potential consequences they faced kept many from speaking out to the contrary. The Checkpoints of the Wall Although most of the border between East and West consisted of layers of preventative measures, there were little more than a handful of official openings along the Berlin Wall. These checkpoints were for the infrequent use of officials and others with special permission to cross the border. Checkpoint Charlie. Express / Getty Images The most famous of these was Checkpoint Charlie, located on the border between East and West Berlin at Friedrichstrasse. Checkpoint Charlie was the main access point for Allied personnel and Westerners to cross the border. Soon after the Berlin Wall was built, Checkpoint Charlie became an icon of the Cold War. It has frequently been featured in movies and books set during this time period. Escape Attempts and the Death Line The Berlin Wall did prevent the majority of East Germans from emigrating to the West, but it did not deter everyone. During the history of the Berlin Wall, it is estimated that about 5,000 people made it safely across. Soldiers investigating a tunnel dug beneath the Berlin wall. Michael Ochs Archives / Getty Images Some early successful attempts were simple, like throwing a rope over the Berlin Wall and climbing up. Others were brash, like ramming a truck or bus into the Berlin Wall and making a run for it. Still, others were suicidal as some people jumped from the upper-story windows of apartment buildings that bordered the Berlin Wall. Soldiers patrolling the Death Strip. KEENPRESS / Getty Images In September 1961, the windows of these buildings were boarded up and the sewers connecting East and West were shut off. Other buildings were torn down to clear space for what would become known as the Todeslinie, the Death Line or Death Strip. This open area allowed a direct line of fire so East German soldiers could carry out Shiessbefehl, a 1960 order that they were to shoot anyone trying escape. Twenty-nine people were killed within the first year. As the Berlin Wall became stronger and larger, the escape attempts became more elaborately planned. Some people dug tunnels from the basements of buildings in East Berlin, under the Berlin Wall, and into West Berlin. Another group saved scraps of cloth and built a hot air balloon and flew over the Wall. Unfortunately, not all escape attempts were successful. Since the East German guards were allowed to shoot anyone nearing the eastern side without warning, there was always a chance of death in any and all escape plots. It is estimated that somewhere between 192 and 239 people died at the Berlin Wall. The 50th Victim of the Berlin Wall One of the most infamous cases of a failed attempt occurred on August 17, 1962. In the early afternoon, two 18-year-old men ran toward the Wall with the intention of scaling it. The first of the young men to reach it was successful. The second one, Peter Fechter, was not. West Berliners Protesting at Berlin Wall with pictures of Peter Fechters body. Corbis / Getty Images As he was about to scale the Wall, a border guard opened fire. Fechter continued to climb but ran out of energy just as he reached the top. He then tumbled back onto the East German side. To the shock of the world, Fechter was just left there. The East German guards did not shoot him again nor did they go to his aid. Fechter shouted in agony for nearly an hour. Once he had bled to death, East German guards carried off his body. He became the 50th person to die at the Berlin Wall and a permanent symbol of the struggle for freedom. Communism Is Dismantled The fall of the Berlin Wall happened nearly as suddenly as its rise. There had been signs that the Communist bloc was weakening, but the East German Communist leaders insisted that East Germany just needed a moderate change rather than a drastic revolution. East German citizens did not agree. Russian leader Mikhail Gorbachev (1985–1991) was attempting to save his country and decided to break off from many of its satellites. As Communism began to falter in Poland, Hungary, and Czechoslovakia in 1988 and 1989, new exodus points were opened to East Germans who wanted to flee to the West. In East Germany, protests against the government were countered by threats of violence from its leader, Erich Honecker. In October 1989, Honecker was forced to resign after losing support from Gorbachev. He was replaced by Egon Krenz who decided that violence was not going to solve the countrys problems. Krenz also loosened travel restrictions from East Germany. The Fall of the Berlin Wall Suddenly, on the evening of November 9, 1989, East German government official Gà ¼nter Schabowski blundered by stating in an announcement, Permanent relocations can be done through all border checkpoints between the GDR [East Germany] into the FRG [West Germany] or West Berlin. People were in shock. Were the borders really open? East Germans tentatively approached the border and indeed found that the border guards were letting people cross. Corbis / Getty Images Very quickly, the Berlin Wall was inundated with people from both sides. Some began chipping at the Berlin Wall with hammers and chisels. There was an impromptu and massive celebration along the Berlin Wall, with people hugging, kissing, singing, cheering, and crying. Corbis / Getty Images The Berlin Wall was eventually chipped away into smaller pieces (some the size of a coin and others in big slabs). The pieces have become collectibles and are stored in both homes and museums. There is also now a Berlin Wall Memorial at the site on Bernauer Strasse. Luis Davilla / Getty Images After the Berlin Wall came down, East and West Germany reunified into a single German state on October 3, 1990.
Friday, November 22, 2019
Role and Importance of Children in the Middle Ages
Role and Importance of Children in the Middle Ages Of all the misconceptions about the Middle Ages, some of the most difficult to overcome involve life for medieval children and their place in society. It is a popular notion that there was no recognition of childhood in medieval society and children were treated like miniature adults as soon as they could walk and talk. However, scholarship on the topic by medievalists provides a different account of children in the Middle Ages. Of course, it is not correct to assume that medieval attitudes were identical or even similar to modern ones. But, it can be argued that childhood was recognized as a phase of life, and one that had value, at that time. Concept of Childhood One of the most frequently mentioned arguments for the non-existence of childhood in the Middle Ages is that representative of children in medieval artwork depicts them in adult clothing. If they wore grown-up clothes, the theory goes, they must have been expected to behave like grown-ups. However, while there certainly isnt a great deal of medieval artwork that depicted children other than the Christ Child, the examples that survive do not universally display them in adult garb. Additionally, medieval laws existed to protect the rights of orphans. For example, in medieval London, laws were careful to place an orphaned child with someone who could not benefit from his or her death. Also, medieval medicine approached the treatment of children separately from adults. In general, children were recognized as vulnerable, and in need of special protection. Concept of Adolescence The idea that adolescence was not recognized as a category of development separate from both childhood and adulthood is a more subtle distinction. The primary evidence concerning this outlook is the lack of any term for the modern-day word adolescence. If they didnt have a word for it, they didnt comprehend it as a stage in life. This argument also leaves something to be desired, especially as medieval people did not use the terms feudalism or courtly love though those practices definitely existed at the time. Inheritance laws set the age of majority at 21, expecting a certain level of maturity before entrusting a young individual with financial responsibility. Importance of Children There is a general perception that, in the Middle Ages, children were not valued by their families or by society as a whole. Perhaps no time in history has sentimentalized infants, toddlers, and waifs as has modern culture, but it doesnt necessarily follow that children were undervalued in earlier times. In part, a lack of representation in medieval popular culture is responsible for this perception. Contemporary chronicles and biographies that include childhood details are few and far between. Literature of the times rarely touched on the heros tender years, and medieval artwork offering visual clues about children other than the Christ Child is almost nonexistent. This lack of representation in and of itself has led some observers to conclude that children were of limited interest, and therefore of limited importance, to medieval society at large. On the other hand, it is important to remember that medieval society was primarily an agrarian one. And the family unit made the agrarian economy work. From an economic standpoint, nothing was more valuable to a peasant family than sons to help with the plowing and daughters to help with the household. To have children were, essentially, one of the primary reason to marry. Among the nobility, children would perpetuate the family name and increase the familys holdings through advancement in service to their liege lords and through advantageous marriages. Some of these unions were planned while the bride and groom-to-be were still in the cradle. In the face of these facts, it is difficult to argue that people of the Middle Ages were any less aware that children were their future then people are aware today that children are the future of the modern world. Question of Affection Few aspects of life in the Middle Ages can be more difficult to determine than the nature and depth of the emotional attachments made among family members. It is perhaps natural for us to assume that in a society that placed a high value on its younger members, most parents loved their children. Biology alone would suggest a bond between a child and the mother who nursed him or her. And yet, it has been theorized that affection was largely lacking in the medieval household. Some of the reasons that have been put forward to support this notion include rampant infanticide, high infant mortality, the use of child labor and extreme discipline. Further Reading If you are interested in the topic of childhood in medieval times, Growing Up in Medieval London: The Experience of Childhood in History by Barbara A. Hanawalt, Medieval Children by Nicholas Orme, Marriage and the Family in the Middle Ages by Joseph Gies and Frances Gies and The Ties that Bound by Barbara Hanawalt may be good reads for you.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Blogs Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Blogs - Article Example The consumer knowledge leads to active role of the consumers in putting forward relevant queries on the products sold and also clears any confusion that may be present in the minds of the purchasers. China, for example has overtaken the US in the automobile market sales in 2009. This is due to the fact that with the spread of globalization, the Chinese consumers have become increasingly knowledgeable and aware about the automobile products. The tastes and preferences in the market have become rationale due to the aspect of consumer knowledge. The availability of information with the customers prior to the point of transaction provides an idea on the value of the product and also judges the aspects of price, economy, efficiency and product safety. Thus consumer knowledge enables to take informed decisions and influences the purchase behavior. Is impulse buying really impulsive? There are many instances happening around us where it could be observed that customers take decisions of pur chase just by looking at the product. It apparently looks as if the customer had no intentions of purchase just a few moments back but suddenly decides to buy the product. Researches on impulse buying suggest that these impulses exhibited by the customers are primarily the effects of underlying emotions and feelings or sentiments that are instigated at the occurrence of a specific event. This means that the intentions of obtaining the product features are hidden which comes out due to the impulse of a certain incident. It would be unreasonable to think that the customers have never experienced such emotions or feelings before and that sudden flow of emotion and feeling has led to the purchase of the product. The marketing specialists look to utilize the impulse buying behavior of the consumers in order to increase the sell of their products. For example, a customer going to purchase clothes and garments is not likely to buy cakes and chocolates. However, marketers adopt the techniqu es to bring out the basic needs and desires of the customers in order to influence impulse buying. The chocolates, cakes, fashionable toys are displayed in the counters. The electronic items and accessories may be wrapped up with national flags of a particular country. By looking at these items, some customers experience sudden flow of emotions and passion. This leads to the intent of purchase and thus influences the purchase decision. Market segmentation methods vary from one company to another The companies are better off in targeting a segment of the market rather than focusing on the entire market. This would lead to a more profitable and sustainable business as the product and services offered by a company may not fulfill the needs of the broader market (Kotler 15). In order to narrow down on the market segment whose needs are fulfilled by its products and services, an analysis of the target market segment is necessary. The cost of the marketing and promotion of its products an d services are reduced and increased revenues are earned by the company from the identified market segment. The companies undertake market segmentation based on the features of their offered products. For example, a merchant selling umbrellas and water-proof jackets may divide the market based on
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Movie crash Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Movie crash - Essay Example Racist families inculcate racial believes in their children too and thus throughout their growing period they are trained to become racist however this believe is rejected in the Movie crash where Dillon who was extremely close to his father, whereas his father was not racist at all. Dillon became racist due to the negative experiences he had with his father along with him being a member of LAPD which actually gave birth to his negativity against blacks. There is another scene in the movie depicting the general behavior of US people where a Persian family went to purchase a gun, and the person selling the gun made some racist comments and also spoke about the twin towers and 9/11 incident blaming the Middle Eastern people for that and calling all of them racist. Generally people use such events like 9/11 in order to show their own personal anger and frustration towards different ethnic groups. Sandra Bullock’s character also spoke about the relationship which is shared between the white and black people, where she says that generally if women see black men coming, they will change their way and be called racist however when Sandra did not do that she was caught up with a gun in his head. It is the general concept which is in the heads of US people where all the black men are suppose to be criminals, drug dealers and also thugs. This stereotyping has affected many innocent African Americans as well. Another important black character in the movie was of Ludacris who use to steal cars from white people. Movie also reveals that the stereotyping is not restricted to skin tones only , it is also an integral part of the social class of the people of the US. Cameron is another black character who achieved a lot of success and he was a hardworking man however he was also badly treated by his wife and also his white producer. Cameron was earning a lot of money but for that he was suppose to live a life like a black man but still he always remembered this in
Saturday, November 16, 2019
The Vinland Voyages Essay Example for Free
The Vinland Voyages Essay The Vikings history refers to sagas, which are the old stories written in the Norwegian language that read more like fairy tales than history books. The Vikings these sagas refer to are larger than life, more caricature or super hero than historical figure. This has left many people wondering if Vikings were real or if the stories are just fictional tales written by authors with wonderful imaginations. Twentieth century historians began to recognize that this saga’s held valuable information about the history of the past and were more than simple stories (Brooks 1986). Americans celebrates Columbus Day and it is well accepted but the general population, that Christopher Columbus discovered America in 1492. However, historical and archeological research shows clearly that there were explorers in America long before Columbus. Scholars agree, that the Vikings were the first Europeans to arrive in North America, and did so centuries before Christopher Columbus (Jones 2001). Half a century before Christopher Columbus is said to have discovered America, Viking sea captain and explorer, Leif Erickson and his crew, landed is what is thought to be Newfoundland, Canada. Eriksson called the new land Vinland (Nichol 2003). While there is some debate as to the meaning of the name, a quote form a saga indicates that the name is related to the native grapes. †So is said, that their aft-boat was filled with grapes. Now was hewn a lading for the ship. And when spring came, they made ready and sailed away; and gave Leif name to the land after the lands products and called it Wineland†(The Flatey Book, Translation of the Saga of Eric the Rd). The first written documentation of Vinland was found in a work by historian Adam of Bremen and was written in the year 1075 (Bolls 1986). Another major source of information regarding Vinland comes from two well known sagas; the Saga of Eric the Red and from the Saga of the Greenlanders. These works were not written until the 13th century, hundreds of years after the actual events so there is some question of their reliability or accuracy (Jones 2001). However, they are the main written documentation for this period and historians have relied on the saga’s to paint the picture of the Viking voyage to North America and discovery of Vinland (Jones 2001). Though the Vikings did not make Vinland a permanent home, the Viking influence is clearly documented in North America (Brooks 1986). There has been substantial research into the Viking history and contribution to North America and it is surprising to learn of the discoveries by archeologists now, more than 1000 years later (Jones 2001). Moving from their Scandinavian roots of Norway, Denmark and Sweden was no small feat. The Vikings plodded along that journey to North America over the course of about 200 years (Jones 2001). History of the Vikings Vikings developed into a clearly defined faction of people in approximately the year 780. Vikings can be traced to their roots in Denmark, Norway and Sweden, though it is primarily the Norwegian faction that made the choice to travel west. Their language had Germanic roots. The Viking Age is considered to be the period from approximately 800 – 1050 AD (Fitzhigh 2000)The time period from the earliest recorded raids in the 790s until the Norman Conquest of England d in 1066 is commonly called the Viking Age (Jones 2001). During the Viking Age, Scandinavia expansion was at its height. Historians point to a variety of reasons that he Vikings might have moved from their Scandinavian countries. The expansion in ship construction and the ability to go to sea opened up explorations opportunities. At that time, they were able to go beyond the boundaries of their small countries. With the abilities to build large ships that could hold large numbers of people and plenty of goods to trade with other colonies, came a desire to explore the larger world. The Vikings developed an expertise, now legendary, for navigating the seas (Fitzhugh). The first Vikings ships are dated back to the years between 800-900 AD in Norway and appeared to be much more advanced that those made throughout the rest of Europe. Originally, the ships were powered by rows but later, sails were developed. The Vikings were the first group to utilize sail to power their vessels (Fitzhugh). Vikings developed excellent navigational skills. They relied on the sun, moon and the stars and learned how to note wave patterns in the sea as well as the particular fish or birds in the areas to help find their way across the seas. . Vikings also honed skills as traders and entrepreneurs (Fitzhugh). Vikings lived in Scandinavia for longer than one thousand years. With the increase in population the people had a natural desire to explore and began to develop the skills and means to do so. The Vikings were a vibrant community with a strong culture of myths, and the gods in which they believed. The Viking belief in gods was similar to that of Greeks mythology. The stories of the gods had them appear quite humanlike. Viking culture consisted of the nobles, and the freeman in addition to slaves. The nobles became the leader and kings. The freeman were the tradesman, farmers and craftsmen. They were landowners. The slaves were the people the Vikings captured on their explorations to other areas and then brought home with them. Historically, Viking lived in long wooden structures called longhouses. They often added on to these structures and one longhouse could include several generations of family. Women in the Viking era were free to choose their own husbands and could leave their husbands if they choose to. The women were respected for their ability to care for farms and homes. During this time of seafaring exploration and cultural expansion is when the Vikings earned the reputation of raiders and pirates. They were reported to frequent the unlocked churches that they came across along the costal towns of French, Germany and England and steel from them. Vikings as Seafarers Much of what is now known about Viking ship building was learned as a result of the discovery of ancient burial groups in Norway. This find included ships that were well enough preserved to provide insight to the Viking technology. Additional discoveries have since been made that provide even more detail. As the ships were made of wood, archaeologist are able to use tree rings to date the ships. The Viking ships were manufactured with iron, which allowed the ships to withstand the salt water of the sea and made long ravel possible. The iron was what made the difference from previous boats, to Viking ships. The Vikings were able to build large ships that could haul large numbers of people and livestock as well as other goods to trade. It took the people of the region to new areas where they could explore and trade goods. The men of this region learned ship building as a matter of course, as women learned weaving. With the availability of wood and iron and the skills to build, larger number of people had access to ship building and trade. The Vikings that traveled west were primarily Norwegian and began with settlements in Britain. These Vikings came with farming skills as well as goods to trade. The goods they brought included fur, wool and ivory. The Vikings then landed in Iceland in approximately 870 and they grew in population to over 30,000 in that area during the first 50 years. The Norwegian exploration resulted in an ongoing relationship of trade and communication as emigration between Norway, Britain and Iceland. The exploration to Greenland began around the year 982. The story of the Vikings in Vineland begins with the ongoing desire of the Vikings for more land and the banishment of Eric Thorvaldson or Eric the Red from Norway. Thorvald and his son Eric the Red were forced to leave Norway due to involvement in apparent murders They found themselves in Iceland and Eric the Red married a woman named Thjohild . Eric and Thjohild had a son, the very well known historical figure, Leif Eriksson. Eventually Eric was expelled from Iceland as a result of more violence and in 982 headed west, settling his family in Greenland (Fitzhugh). The Vikings at that time, had control over areas in England, Ireland, Scotland and France before moving on to Iceland and Greenland. Old Viking stories claim that Eric enticed people to Greenland with the name, which implied warmer weather and a positive place to settle. He was able to recruit more than 450 people for the original settlement. According to records of the climate at that time, this was a warmer period for Greenland and the colonies that developed were successful raising livestock, trading walrus tusks as well as farming (Fitzhugh 2000). Another Viking captain, Bjarni Herjolfsson was lost at sea when on a trip to visit his father in Greenland and it is thought that he may have landed in North America for a time. He eventually did find his way to Greenland and told everyone about the land he had discovered while he was off course Leif Eriksson was curious and decided that he would plan an expedition to the new land and was able to recruit a group of men to come with him. When Leif Erikson and his crew found the new land, he named it Vineland, because the land was covered in vines. He enjoyed Vineland and stayed there for a several months. Leif along with his sister Freydis and brother Thorvals, are thought to be perhaps the first Europeans in North America in approximately 1000 A. D. The Vineland Leif Erickson visited, was already establish as a colony by another group. The Vikings called them barbarians. The Vikings left as they were so clearly outnumbered and not prepared to battle The Vikings of the time continued to visit Vinland for goods and resources that were not as plentiful in Greenland. Eric the Red ruled Greenland until his death in 1003, at which time his son Leif Ericsson took over the leadership of Greenland. In approximately 1020 A. D. , Leifs son. Thorgills Leifsson took over as the ruler of Greenland. Leif Erickson, or â€Å"Leif the Lucky â€Å"as he later became know as a result of his successful voyages, is responsible for bringing Christian missionaries to Greenland. While the stories we hear of Vikings lead one to believe that they were violent and aggressive warriors, there is also a history of assimilating with the new lands and of embracing new cultures and ideas. Leif Ericsson Leif Ericsson is the central figure n all stories and histories regarding the Vikings and North America. He was the oldest of four children. Leif was probably thirty years old when he took his crew on the trip west in the year 1001 and found Vinland. Historians today believe that Ericsson probably landed first on Baffin Islands, Markland and Labrador before settling in Vinland for a period of several years. The settlement they established became known as Leifrsbudir. The term Leifsbudir likely refers to Leif’s booths. Leif accepted Christianity during a year long trip to Norway on an earlier voyage where he went to visit the King Olav with the goal of improving his power and reputation. When he returned back to Greenland his father refused Christianity though his mother converted quickly. She was responsible for the building of the first Christian church in Greenland. The exploration led by Leif Ericsson to North America is documented primarily in the Vinland Saga, which include the Saga of Greenland and he Saga of Eric the Red. These stories were written in the 13th centaury as the result of history passed down through the years. In the twentieth century, when the stories were linked with ht e actual archeological discoveries in Newfoundland, Viking history began to take shape and gain acceptance as actual history and not just tales. Leif Ericsson’s interest in exploring further west began with the stories he heard earlier from Bjarni Herjolfsson, who told Leif of the land he saw while going off course during his travel to Greenland. Leif Ericsson purchased the boat from Herjollllfsson and with a crew of 35, set sail to find he land he had heard about (Vesilind 2000). They found the new land to be an easier lifestyle, with easier winters and plentiful timber, lakes to fish and good land to farm. The land he named Vinland was referred to as Vinland the Good. Leif Ericssons brother Thorvald returned to Vinland in 1003 ands was killed during a fight with the native people. Leif’s other brother sailed to Vinland in 1005, but dies in a storms while at sea. His sister, Freydis later went to Vinland with plans to set up a trade arrangement. She was less than honest with her partners and then had them murdered. She returned to Greenland and went unpunished, as her brother Leif was the leader of Greenland at the time (Vesilind 2000). Location The exact location of Vineland has not been established by archaeologists. The Viking stories talked about long days of mild weather and wild grapes. Artifacts from the Vikings have been found in a number of locations including Cape Cod and in Virginia. Newfoundland, in Canada has established the remnants of a Viking community but, Newfoundland does not have the abundance of grapes growing wild. Some historian believe that Vineland was not actually named for grapes, but that â€Å"vin†had a different meaning to the Vikings, possibly referring to grazing lands (Jones 2001). It has also been suggested that what the stories refer to, were not grapes, but possibly berries. However, research on the climate at that time show that though there are not wild grapes growing in New Foundland today, the climate up until the 17th century would have sustained wild grapes, and in fact did (Vesilind 2000). In the search by historians to determine where exactly the land known as Vineland was located, there was some skepticism that Vikings could have crossed the Atlantic Ocean in those days, with their ship technology. It is estimated that the voyage between Greenland and Vineland would have taken up to two weeks. However, findings of he historic ships in Norway give credibility to the idea that the Viking ships could withstand the journey (Vesilind 2000). In the 1950’s, an historian named Munn provided an argument stating that the areas of L’Anse-aux-Meadows in Newfoundland is the actual site of the Vikings Vinland. Fifty years later, archeological digs would confirm his theory with evidence in the way of Viking artifacts that confirm a settlement in that area. Helge Ingstadd was a Norwegian researcher who had dedicated much of his career to Viking explorations (Jones 2001). He completed the most thorough review of the Vinland Voyages available and was meticulous in his research. Before coming to Newfoundland, he researched areas of Rhode Island, Cape Cod, and Nova Scotia. When he determined that Newfoundland held the best possibility of being the actual Viking landing spot, he brought in an exploration party. Ingstadd noted some faint lines on the contours of land in that area that made curious about what might lie below (Fitzhugh 2000). Ingstad found the wall of a longhouse and other remnants during that first dig and then returned again a couple of years later to uncover more evidence. Helge Ingstad found the remnants of a Viking settlement in Newfoundland. He discovered proof that what stood on the ground around the year 1000 AD were sod longhouses. The houses did not have foundations, which led Ingstad to the conclusion hat they were meant as temporary structures rather than permanent housing. One of the houses contained evidence of an iron smith setup. Ingstad’s discovery also included evidence that women had accompanied the Viking men on the voyages to Vinland as there were weaving tools used by women in that day. There have been additional discoveries since the time of Helge Ingstad’s discovery that further support the Viking contact with North America long before Christopher Columbus.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
The Hunger Games Trilogy Essay -- The Hunger Games Essays
â€Å"Happy Hunger Games! And may the odds be ever in your favor.†, a very well known quote from the book series The Hunger Games (The Hunger Games, Pg 19). The Hunger Games Trilogy written by Suzeanne Collins has become enormously popular. The Hunger Games, Catching Fire, and Mockingjay are the three works that make up the series. A major motion picture was released titled The Hunger Games, after the first book in the series, and it instantly became a box office hit. Those who have not read the books may be left wondering why a book series focused on kids ages 12-18 are put into an arena and fight to the death is creating such a commotion. Not only are the books popular among adolescents, many adults have also found the series captivating as well. With books so focused on violence, there must be an underlying factor that draws readers in and makes them feel so passionately about the characters in these books. In all three books, but particularly in the first, Suzeanne Colli ns captivates readers by creating such vivid and emotional relationships between the characters. Suspense is created by the anticipation of not knowing what will happen between the characters. A strong bond between sisters, a broken mother-daughter relationship, and a love triangle are some of the main relationships built and focused upon throughout the book that draw readers in. The main character Katniss Everdeen has a very strong and powerful relationship with her younger sister, Prim. When their father died in a mining accident and their mother slipped into depression, Katniss took responsibility for Prim and became her main source of protection and stability. It is very apparent from the very beginning of the book that Katniss is extremely protective of Pri... ...ident Snow; newcomer Amanda Stenberg as Katniss' young ally, Rue; or the various other young tributes who die one by one, gives their all to this captivating commentary on government, entertainment, and self-identity. The Hunger Games is violent, but in a heartbreaking way that will both make audiences think and count the days until Catching Fire is in theaters (Hunger Games Tops Average April). Works Cited Collins, Suzanne. Catching Fire. New York: Scholastic, 2009. Print. Collins, Suzanne. Mockingjay. New York: Scholastic, 2010. Print. Collins, Suzanne. The Hunger Games. New York: Scholastic, 2008. Print. "The Hunger Games." Web. 04 May 2012. . "'Hunger Games' Tops Average April." Web. 04 May 2012. .
Monday, November 11, 2019
Marriage boundaries Essay
Important boundary principles helps couples build a strong marriage for the goodness of the family without compromising on their freedom, truth or integrity. Marriage boundaries may either be physical or emotional depending on how they are drafted by the two individuals. The physical boundaries entail the protection of the marriage from intruders (parents, in-laws, other people, external affairs or even children to some extent) who might disrupt the normal activities within the marriage. Emotional boundaries are complex to define and are usually confined to personal feelings, sexual satisfaction and how to deal with issues that may affect the family. In any perspective, marriage boundaries help to ensure that ea thriving family is achieved. There is other various marriage boundaries which dictate the extent to which the couple in the marriage are suppose to meet. These boundaries might range from sexual, family or societal relations which explain that married couples should remain as faithful as possible to each other. Unfaithfulness is believed to be the main contributor to marriage breakups and high divorce rates currently being experienced. Marriage identity Marriage identity is the legal aspect of the union between the two couples. Married people identify themselves as one and are related through love. Partners usually identify themselves as a family when children come to the scene . People marry either in a religious, social or judicial system and are awarded a marriage certificate. This is the legal identity in a marriage setting that identifies two people-husband and wife. Some societies also use children as an identity of their marriage and the family at large. These groups of people name their children after their parents. This will ensure that there is continuity of the family values and history for the generations to come Alliances Alliances in a marriage are very common these days due to increased collaboration of couples through religious, educational or geographical groupings. These alliances are can be good or bad for the family. Alliances can also be through corporations with the grandparents, extended family members and the community in general. Depending on the type of alliance developed in the marriage, good values or norms may be possible to be obtained. Some people in the alliance might use it as a weapon to ‘kill’ the morale of the other couple assuming that couples form alliances with one another (group marriage). There is always the issue of mistrust and spreading of propaganda among people in an alliance and the consequences are usually dire to the existence of a marriage Spouse differences Differences between the spouses may lead to family breakups . Spouse differences may come as a result of financial misappropriations or lack of it. In many societies, the spouses are taught to remain together as a couple despite the challenges that might be faced. Other wide and complicated factors have recently contributed to the emergence of spouse differences especially if they are not sorted out during courtship. Family differences and cultural disparities are the most common ones. It is also possible that the each partner in the marriage could associate himself or herself with a specific political group which may not be meaningful to the other partner. Such simple issues may result in huge misunderstandings in the marriage and by default the family at large. Many and more parents are increasingly incorporation their married children to their own settings so that they may be taught how to handle each other. Although this may be considered interference from the parents and the fact that those marrying are already grownups and can take care of them, it is important for the development of the family marriage Marriage economics Marriage economics is an issue that may in one way or another affect the family. Most cultures, historically makes sure that the family of the husband pays dowry to the family of the wife. Dowry is considered a token or gift for the wife’s family in order to allow the parents of the lady to have a ‘compensation’. Other cultures require that the family of the bride pays dowry to the family of the man marrying their daughter. But in both cases, the family of the groom and the family of the bride do the financial transactions without involving the bride. Recently issues of financial management between a husband and a wife have become a subject of discussion. People argue that the couple should have a joint account in order to make any financial decisions together. Excessive perfectionism Any marriage ensures that the families resulting from it benefit squarely. Children are the ‘fruits’ of the marriage and with that, the couple may want the children to live happily in future by investing in their good upbringing, education, behaviors, financial investments etc. In that process, there is a temptation of the parents to be over protective. Each of the partners would want to play their part in the child protection, upbringing and other roles of within the marital boundaries. Studies have shown that irresponsible children will most likely become irresponsible parents in future Marriage roles Marriage roles are dependent on the kind family it is considered. In a polygamous family, the father is the sole provider of the whole family and gets support from the wives. But in a monogamous marriage, the husband and wife share most of the roles. The husband in a traditional society is given more roles; security, provision of basic needs, building the houses among others. The wife on the other hand sires the children, prepare food and ensure that all household work is perfectly done. With increased levels of education, modernization and equality activists, things are changing and the roles of each member of the family is becoming insignificant. Marriage rules Depending on the two married partners, rules may differ from one marriage setting to the other. A marriage counselor once said that ‘the Dutch soccer principle’ applies in marriage. This principle means that any player can attack when an opportunity strikes and any player can defend when there is need to. The same applies in married where the husband or the wife can do the ‘attacking’ and ‘defending’ when necessary. Marriage rules are defined religiously, socially or legally through set policies by the government. Religious groups believe that the bible outlines how a husband and a wife must live together in harmony. One of the ten commandments of the bible clearly describes how one shall not covet his or her neighbor’s wife or practice any form of adultery, it is considered to be sin. Individuals also set their own marriage rules when they are beginning their married life i. e. to be faithful, committed, loving and considerate to each other.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Government Enforced Cyber Security, a Public Good? Essay
We all know that cyber security is something of great importance to anyone trying to protect their network assets, customer assets, and personal assets. The list of possible risks associated with neglecting to practice good cyber security are endless, and the dangers lurking out in cyber space too numerous to imagine anyone who is controlling any type of company network to ignore; but the question here is whether or not the government should become the cyber security enforcer not only within in its own government sector but also within the private sector as well as a public good. Before we get into the discussion of whether or not the government should play this role, I believe we should have a short discussion on what â€Å"public good†actually means. Generally speaking â€Å"public good†is a loose term used to justify some kind of action one is taking, by saying that it is in the best interest of the general population to do so. The implications behind the use of the term â€Å"public good†is that #1 the action is beneficial to a majority of the population; and #2 that the majority of the population is either too ignorant, or incapable for some reason of performing the action for themselves. The use of the term is also handy because it is non-specific as to WHO is actually benefiting from the actions; is it the general consumer, the small businesses, big businesses, the government, a special interest group, all of the above, none of the above, Who? Who is actually benefiting from the act? By using the term the â€Å"public good†one does not have to account for who is actually benefiting. Nor do they have to identify who might be harmed or negatively affected by the action either. Additionally by using the term that it is for the â€Å"public good†, by default the concept of how much will it cost, and who is going to pay for it, is seemingly automatically a non-concern. So by the very nature of the term for â€Å"the public good†the user of said term has attempted to write themselves a blank check, quantifying and justifying any and all actions they mean to implement and enforce. The term â€Å"public good†has been used by various entities throughout history to accomplish some of the most horrendous crimes against their people, and to extort unimaginable amounts of wealth and goods from their populations. Anytime the term â€Å"public good†is used to ask for justification for an action from any entity it should be immediately critically examined with a very find tooth comb to find what the motivations for such a kind gesture might be, as well as analyzed by a staunch accountant to find out where the money is, and where it leads in the proposition. The term â€Å"public good†more than any other term I can think of, is more often than not the very term used to lead more sheep to their own quiet slaughter then any war cr y ever has. It should always be approached with skeptism and caution when used, especially in conjunction with the word government. Is Enforcement of Cyber Security a Public Good? Should the enforcement of cyber security be considered a â€Å"public good†? This is a very difficult question to answer. In theory, on the surface, enforcement of cyber security seems like it might be a very viable public service. As viable as other protections offered as a public good such as the services of military and police protections. But then you begin to look a little deeper into the subject and you realize that enforcement of cyber security protections has many more layers then the enforcement of physical protections such as military and police. In order to enforce cyber security an entity would have to do much more than simply provide, train, and fund forces to patrol the physical areas that are in danger. Enforcing cyber security is much more akin to forcing a draft of military service on the general population and forcing them to pay for their own room, board, training and service expenses while they are in the military to boot. In order to enforce cyber security you must force each person who has any interaction with the cyber world, into becoming a cyber security guard, whether they wish to be one or not. Additionally you force any entity whether it’s a multi-billion dollar corporation, a single person running a business out of their basement, or a member of the general population at large trying to access the internet, into funding not only the physical equipment and software required to be a good cyber security guard, but the endless training and education expenses associated with it as well. It would be like an entity not only suggesting that people should have locks on their doors, but enforcing it with requirements for double steel enforced 12 inch wide doors with a minimum 3 locks on it. One of which had to be specialty ciphers lock, and penalizing those that do not have said door, by taking away their entire house. This â€Å"public good†if done the way it would be required to be done to actually be minimally effective, has now become a universal burden just like taxes, who’s only community quality would be the unified contempt the â€Å"public†would have for its enforcing entity and enforcement policies; very much like the contempt the general public has for the IRS. This all being said, I think it safe to say that calling the mandatory enforcement of cyber security a â€Å"public good†is about as accurate as calling the mandatory taxes we pay a â€Å"public good†. Most people when left to speak of their own analysis as to whether or not taxes are really something that is good for the majority of the public would tend to beg to differ. Should government enforce cyber security in the private sector? The government of the United States has many roles. Some of these are roles it was intended to have by the Founding Fathers, as written into the Constitution, and most others were assumed, inherited, given, or seized by some means still unknown to me. One of the proper roles of the government is to provide protection to its citizens by the creation and enforcement of laws that protect the people, ie..Murder is a crime punishable by death; and the creation of protection entities/forces such as police, fire, and military, to physically patrol the areas our citizens inhabit to protect the lives, and property that they own, which is inclusive of the land they occupy as a nation. These concepts were pretty cut and dry, although our congress still found a way to somehow muddy them; but until recently with the invention of the internet and cyber space it was pretty easy to tell where the borders of our nation ended and another’s began, and what constituted a criminal action against a nother person’s being or property. At least the common man could tell these things, lawyers, judges and politicians can be excluded from that statement. In cyberspace, there are no boundaries. The line of what to protect and what is outside the realm of required government protection is very gray. Therefore the government up until now has restricted its enforcement of cyber security to its own government networks. This level of protection is the proper responsibility of the government, because it is protecting its networks in the interest of national security. The department responsible for the protection of its citizens as well as national security is the Department of Defense. The past 15 years with the explosion of Information Systems the DOD has found that its workload and responsibilities have increased dramatically with the government use of Information Technology systems. In the past 5 years alone the cyber security workload on the DOD has more than doubled. Although the U.S. DOD is probably the most secure and efficient government entity in the world, it is far from ideal on levels of security, and it lacks the manpower and r esources to keep up with its own demands of cyber security implementations. I have worked in the DOD for over 10 years now, and can tell you first hand that security incidences occur daily, and the security risks to our government networks is a constant ebb and flow of action/reaction. Rarely does the department get a chance, have the time, or the resources to be pro-active instead of re-active. Ultimately as well, with the very best security technologies in place, even the government must remain dependant on the human elements to protect the networks, and information. The Wiki-Leaks internet postings are a perfect example of that dependency gone badly. It may or may not have been a technical mis-security that allowed that government employee access to all that sensitive data, but it was ultimately several human failures that allowed for that information to be posted on the internet. The failure of the trusted government employee to keep the information he was entrusted with secret, and the failure of how many internet web site owners to work at protecting sensitive national data of the country some of them were actual citizens of. The idea that the current DOD could even enforce cyber security in the private sector is not only laughable, but also an extremely menacing and terrifying concept. The government enforcement of cyber security in the private sector, â€Å"for the public good†of course†¦would be nothing more than a ruse to cover its real aim; which would be regulation of the internet, or to put it bluntly the control of the last totally unregulated vestige of free speech. Besides the obvious issue of lack of integrity behind its intentions there are numerous reasons why the U.S. Government should stay out of the business of regulating the enforcement of cyber security in the private sector. The government, as stated above does not actually have the time, or the resources to manage or enforce any other security implementations outside of itself. †¢ The government already spends most of its time in reactive mode on the security frontier; trying to find additional time to analyze or validate the security set ups of private sector companies as well would be near impossible. †¢ The government does not have the money. Funding for such things as IT equipment hardware and software upgrades is already spread extremely thin. Many times government offices and system are running on hardware and software that are years behind the current releases due to replacement funding issues. †¢ The government lacks the technical expertise in its ranks to be able to support or even audit / validate the security implementations in private businesses. Over 80% of the technical workforce working on government systems are contract workers, hired in because of the lack of security/tec hnical expertise in the government employee workforce. The government does not have within its scope the right to enforce cyber security implementation within the private sector. †¢ The government scope as outlined by the constitution is to protect its citizens against foreign attack on its own sovereign soil, as well as to protect its citizens from physical attacks and destruction of their private property within the boundaries of its nation. There are no boundaries to cyber space; therefore when a citizen of the U.S. chooses to enter into the boundary less area known as cyberspace, they are choosing to inhabit an area that is outside the scope of their countries ability to protect them. They do this at their own risk. If these same citizens left the safety of the U.S. and put themselves willingly into the middle of Egypt right now, they are taking their chances full well knowing that they are willingly giving up the safety and protection of the U.S. If they are taken captive, the U.S. will attempt to negotiate for their release, but it cannot, and will not guarantee it. If it can secure their release or do anything at all for them, it will, but many ti mes it can do nothing so far outside its jurisdiction; just ask Nicholas Berger, the American beheaded in Iraq several years ago. †¢ The government’s responsibility to provide protections to its citizens is a provision of protections that are within reason. Although the government provides police, fire, medical and military services to their citizens; I for one do not have my own personal police officer, or doctor escorting and to attend to me in case I should run into a mugger on the street or get a sniffle in the middle of the night. The services provided are broad, sweeping, and for the use of the general population to both reduce and deter its own population from being criminals as well as to protect and serve its own population. Cyberspace is not its own population. †¢ The government was never given authority to regulate business, in any way, shape, or form; not for the â€Å"public good†or for its own expansion. Not in the name of protections for its people, and not with its intent to create legal monopolies, or cater to interest groups. Regulation of any business interests, including the enforcement of cyber security on business networks is outside of what the government is supposed to doing, and a conflict of interest to the type of government that was originally established for the country which was a democracy. The government does not have the flexibility to efficiently enforce, and manage the cyber Security regulations and compliancy of the private sector, and in trying to do so, would only hinder the progress of the cyber security technologies industries, and protections implemented by the private sector. †¢ Cyber Security is a MOVING target. The government is a lethargic beast. Government bureaucracy consumes easily 60% of all the time, money and resources spent by the government. Time being the biggest issue on this point. Cyber security in order to be the most effective has to be able to be tweaked, re-configured, and updated as fast as your average cyber criminal can re-invent ways to penetrate. The higher value the data is that you work with as a company, the quicker and more flexible you must be to maintain a secure network status. An individual with little valuable data on their system does not need to be all that concerned with the security posture of their system. Not all systems, businesses, and networks can be considered the same, and each ones security posture is going to be based on the value of what they are trying to protect. All cannot and should not be regulated the same. †¢ Creating any type of tiered regulation for cyber security enforcement will add layer s of bureaucracy and therefore delays in actual implementation. Once again being counterproductive to the enforcement in the first place. Who is going to pay for the government to take on this further endeavor? I don’t know about you but I pay enough in taxes for useless programs, counterproductive government measures, misrepresented & abused government powers, and generally overall government meddling in the private sector, both businesses and personal. Even if they charge the businesses for their â€Å"services†the cost will ultimately end up on the general population. This is where the cost always ends up; and this will be no exception. What is the point of the government enforcing cyber security regulating the portion of the internet that runs through the U.S. internet gateways and DNS servers, when it has absolutely no control, or jurisdiction to control anything outside of it. All you would be doing is creating a black market for â€Å"foreign†internet feeds; creating yet another flourishing criminal market. Does â€Å"prohibition†– the very act that gave the organized mob their greatest power and fastest wealth windfall, or the more modern â€Å"war on drugs†that is only serving to create some of the most vicious cartel wars seen, why†¦ because the attempt to regulate and control it only serves to make it an even more profitable illegal industry. Shouldn’t the government stay focused on where it should be focused? Especially since IT has the largest network, with the most valuable and sensitive data in the country on it. Protection of this data actually falls within the scope and responsibility of the government, in the interest of national security. The data on its network actually does have life and death consequences to people. Very few other enterprises process data with such importance and consequence. So shouldn’t the government worry about its own house and worry about maintaining it; instead of trying to regulate the private industry which is not only outside of their scope of responsibility, but is also a project with so much less importance then their own. It seems insane to wish them to focus on anything other than their own networks, and data. The one exception would be for them to have a level of standards required of any business network that was allowed to connect directly to them. I am happy to report, these are relatively few. What would be the impact of government enforced cyber security in the private sector? There would be numerous impacts to the private sector if government tried to enforce cyber security regulations. Many I can name right now, and numerous I am sure would be unexpected results. †¢ The price for such regulation would ultimately fall on the average citizen to bear. †¢ The price for such regulation would drive numerous smaller companies unable to bear the cost (and also processing information not much worth hacking) out of business. †¢ The overall security posture for the private sector as a whole would be reduced- business that needed increased security then government standards would even out with businesses needing very little security carrying all kinds of security they don’t need. †¢ The rights of a business and the people to use their own judgment to decide the amount of security needed on their enterprises is once again diminished, and compromised, as well as them to suffer the consequences of misjudgments nullified. Building dependency on the government for critical thinking and analytical skills as well as basic survival skills is continued. †¢ A flourishing and profitable black market for â€Å"non-regulated†internet feeds is created. †¢ The integrity of the biased lean of the information being â€Å"regulated†through to the general population is immediately under question; resulting in further distrust of the regulating entity†¦ie government. †¢ Overall to both the businesses being regulated and the businesses that produce technology instruments and devices the impact would be negative. Should private industry have the responsibility to protect national security? Private industry has a duty to protect national security when it’s a situation that is a direct action to do so. For example, a company that processes government information has a duty to protect that information. A company that sells porcelain dolls has no responsibility to protect the national security. Just as they would not load up their employees with camouflage and weapons and send them out to a base to somewhere to â€Å"assist†the troops for a day every week, they don’t have a duty or responsibility to practice cyber security out on the internet like some kind of mercenary. It is good business sense for them to practice some level of cyber security that is appropriate to the sensitivity and value of the data they process but that is an act of self interest; and a show of good business intelligence. Not only does private industry not have a responsibility to protect the national interest by practicing cyber security, but once again should protect their own interests and leave the national interest to the appropriate experts. Only companies that process government information, or connect to government systems should be attempting to apply cyber security in the name of national interest. Those are the only people who have that duty and the only people properly schooled in the expertise to do so, and should have an interest to. Any other business or entity should remain concerned with their own business interests, or be brought under suspect for spying or espionage; they have no business being concerned with the national defense and should stay out of it. References: Tuutti , C. (2010, September 13). Cyber experts: espionage, apts, malware among most dangerous cyber threats. Retrieved from /13/cyber-experts-espionage-apts-malware-among-most-dangerous-cyber-threats/ Stenbit, John.P. Department of Defense, Command, Control Communications and Intelligence. (2003). Information assurance implementation (8500.2). Washington, DC: DISA. Bavisi, J. (2010, July 26). Biggest national security threat: cyber attack. Retrieved from Dhamankar, Dausin, Eisenbarth, King, Kandek, Ullrich, Skoudis, Lee, R., M.,M.,J.,W.,J.,E.,R. (2009, September 09). The top cyber security risks. Retrieved from Aitoro, J. (2010, August 17). Employees still pose biggest security threat, survey finds. Retrieved from Bishop, M., & Irvine, C. (2010). Call in the cyber national guard! IEEE Computer and Privacy, 8(1), Retrieved from Clarke, R.A. (2010). Cyber war: the next threat to national security and what to do about it. New York, NY: Ecco.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Mountain Lion Facts (Puma concolor)
Mountain Lion Facts (Puma concolor) The mountain lion (Puma concolor) is the second largest cat in the Americas after the jaguar. While its a big animal, the mountain lion is actually the largest small cat. Its more closely related to the domestic cat than to the lion or tiger. Puma concolor holds the Guinness World Record for the animal with the most common names. It is known as the mountain lion, cougar, puma, catamount, and about 40 other names in English. In keeping with its Linnaean name, scientists call the cat a puma. Fast Facts: Mountain Lion Scientific Name: Puma concolorCommon Names: Mountain lion, puma, cougar, pantherBasic Animal Group: Mammal Size: 4.9-9.0 feetWeight: 121-150 poundsLifespan: 8-10 yearsDiet: CarnivoreHabitat: The AmericasPopulation: 50,000Conservation Status: Least Concern Description The mountain lion is the fourth largest cat in the world after the tiger, lion, and jaguar. The cats coat is tawny on top and lighter on the belly, leading the name mountain lion. Males and females look similar, but males tend to be larger. Males average around 7.9 feet from nose to tail tip, while females average 6.7 feet in length. In general, adults range from 4.9 to 9.0 feet long. Males weigh 117 to 220 pounds (average 150 pounds), while females weigh between 64 and 141 pounds (average 121 pounds). Although mountain lions are large, they are not considered to be big cats because they cannot roar. However, they can produce a distinctive scream known as caterwauling. Habitat and Distribution The mountain lion has the largest range of any terrestrial American animal. It is adapted to diverse habitats from the Yukon in Canada down to the southern Andes in South America. In North America, mountain lions have been extirpated in the eastern half of the continent, with the exception of the Florida panther. Diet and Behavior Like other cats, the mountain lion is an obligate carnivore. While deer are its most important food source, the mountain lion will kill and eat anything it can catch, ranging from insects all they way up in size to moose. The mountain lion is an ambush predator that stalks its prey and pounces. It uses its bite to break its victims neck or else suffocate it. Following a successful hunt, the mountain lion drags its prey to a cache and hides it with brush. It returns to the cache to feed over the course of several days. Like most cats, mountain lions are crepuscular and tend to hunt before dawn and after dusk. Reproduction and Offspring Mountain lions are solitary except during mating and, for females, when caring for cubs. Although females are in estrus for 8 days of a 23-day cycle, they usually have only one litter every two or three years. After mating, the pair separates. Gestation last 91 days. The female seeks a cave or other protected space to give birth and rear her young. She most often gives birth to two cubs, although a litter may range from one to six cubs. The kittens are born blind and have spotted coats. When the cats eyes first open, they are blue. Cubs are weaned around three months of age and remain with their mother at least two years. Juveniles lose their spots around two and a half years of age. On average, one in five kittens survives to adulthood. Females become sexually mature between one and a half to three years of age. Males must establish their own territory before they can mate. In the wild, the average life expectancy of a mountain lion is 8 to 10 years. The cats may live much longer in captivity. Here, the average lifespan is about 20 years, but one cat died just short of its 30th birthday. Mountain lion kittens are spotted and have blue eyes. Jeff Wendorff / Getty Images Hybrids The mountain lion and a leopard can mate to produce a hybrid called a pumapard. Pumapards exhibit dwarfism and grow to about half the size of their parents. The hybrids have bodies of pumas, but with unusually short legs. The coat pattern is more similar to that of the leopard. The base color is tawny or gray with either brown or faded rosettes. Conservation Status The IUCN categorizes the mountain lions conservation status as least concern. The IUCN estimates fewer than 50,000 cats remain in the breeding population and the number continues to decline. Threats Mountain lions face multiple threats to their survival. Human encroachment has led to habitat loss, habitat degradation, and diminished prey availability. Breeding populations are becoming increasingly isolated and at risk of inbreeding depression. While the cat is protected in part of its range, hunting remains common in many countries, including the United States and Canada. Mountain lions are also susceptible to feline immunodeficiency virus, which may be spread by domestic cats. Mountain Lions and Humans Mountain lions rarely attack humans because people are not recognized as prey, but the number of attacks has been increasing. As of 2004, 88 attacks and 20 deaths had been recorded in North America since 1890. Most attacks occur when humans encroach on a cats territory or when the feline is starving. Children are much more likely to be attacked than adults. If threatened by a mountain lion, the best defense is to fight back. Running away, standing still, or playing dead are all ineffective strategies. Mountain lions are occasionally kept as pets, although there are cases of the cats attacking their handlers. A pet puma named Messi has a large following on YouTube. Healthy mountain lions usually do not view people as prey. DOUGBERRY / Getty Images Sources Beier, Paul. Cougar attacks on humans in the United States and Canada. Wildlife Society Bulletin. 19: 403–412, 1991.Nielsen, C.; Thompson, D.; Kelly, M.; Lopez-Gonzalez, C. A. Puma concolor. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. IUCN. 2015 (errata version published in 2016): e.T18868A97216466. doi:10.2305/IUCN.UK.2015-4.RLTS.T18868A50663436.enSubramanian, Sushma. Should You Run or Freeze When You See a Mountain Lion?. Scientific American, April 14, 2009.Sweanor, Linda L.; Logan, Kenneth A.; Hornocker, Maurice G. Puma responses to close approaches by researchers. Wildlife Society Bulletin. 33 (3): 905–913, 2005. doi:10.2193/0091-7648(2005)33[905:PRTCAB]2.0.CO;2 Wozencraft, W.C. Order Carnivora. In Wilson, D.E.; Reeder, D.M. Mammal Species of the World: A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference (3rd ed.). Johns Hopkins University Press. pp. 544–45, 2005. ISBN 978-0-8018-8221-0.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Analysis of Dance Essay Example for Free
Analysis of Dance Essay The type of dance I attended was a mix of ballet and modern. This involved group performances as well as individual performances. For the purpose of this paper I will narrow my observations to an individual performance of both ballet and modern and a group performance of both. Dance has the ability to draw it’s viewer in, by captivating the audience with the amount of grace, coordination and talent it’s dancers display. The lines a dancer created with their body is nothing short of amazing. Almost every type of person could appreciate something about dance. One of the first dances of the night was a ballet done, by a 9 year old girl. As she entered the dance area, it became very silent in the auditorium. You could almost hear a needle drop. Her costume was simple, dark in color, not shinny, as if not to distract the audience from her performance. Her white tights provided a focal point drawing the audience to watching the delicate moves she was executing with her legs. She started in first position quickly transitioning to 3rd and before you knew it she was spinning around on only one foot, pointing her toe towards the audience. She had a brief moment where it appeared that she fell out of pose, but immediately pulled herself back together, executing the next pose with perfection. Her face remained unchanged throughout the entire performance. She demonstrated perfect C shaped arms as she held them in the air bringing all her weight from her heels to the tips of her toes. This performance was very impressive for such a young girl. What I sometimes miss it facial expressions, but I suppose by the absence of expression the girl is allowing your mind to go wherever the music takes you. The next performance came from a 15 year old girl and best fit the description of modern dance. Her costume was bright, shinny, and created the illusion of movement. Many of the movements executed by this performer involved being on the floor, or bending over. Her arm movements were not as precise. It was as if a choreographer told her she could place her arms however she wished, in stark contrast to the ballet dance that required very precise movements. This dance appeared much slower. I did not enjoy this dance as much as I felt the bold costume and music distracted the viewers from the talent behind the dancer. She too was expressionless when she danced. The way the stage lights reflected off her costume created a glowing effect on the dancer. The group ballet was absolutely beautiful. Some of the dancers started as if they were asleep or dead, all bent over, while other dancers began in the upright position. As the dancers began to move across the stage, the dancers in the downward position began to arise. It created the illusion that the dancers were giving life to an otherwise lifeless creature. They all began dancing in unison across the stage, with pose and grace, up on their toes. They were always careful to have the correct position with their arms and legs, and toes pointed. They made this type of dancing look effortless, while executing it with such precision. No one fell out of pose during this dance, everyone knew their place and performed with great precision. As the dance ended they all went into a downward pose, creating the illusion that they were all lifeless again. What a brilliant analogy, this dance presented. Many things around us are lifeless, dull and boring, it is the people who occupy the space that gives it life and meaning. Just like dance gives life and many to those who watch it or perform it. The last dance was the group modern dance. This was my least favorite. I would almost say that it appeared sloppy and ill choreographed. At times I wondered if the girls were supposed to be doing the same movements and some were behind or if it was meant to look like a ripple effect. It did not look like either to me. Through watching these dances it became very obvious to me that I prefer ballet to modern dance. I was uncertain of the reason until the lady seated behind me said,†I loved their modern group dance†. I thought I miss heard her, but yes that was what she said. She even went on to say that they had won a competition doing that very dance. It was at that point I realized dance is for everyone. While I prefer the more precise movements, other people can enjoy the chaos of modern dance. I tend to be a perfectionist and I had nothing to gage the movements of the modern dance on. But I loved the ballet where you could tell when perfect pose was achieved. So I do believe a dance recital like this should appeal to all types of people, offering a great variety. Analysis of Dance. (2016, Nov 25).
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Revenue Function Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Revenue Function - Assignment Example It is almost impossible to obtain accurate and reliable financial figures for the intangible services being provided (Cleverly,Song , &Cleverly,2011). According to Brown (2012) in Encyclopedia for Business ,the external revenue generation of not-for profit organizations adds to the complexity. These organizations rely on funds from other external sources, which is a challenge itself since there is no incentive for the contributors. The role of the largest client of healthcare organizations, that is government, makes the whole process even more complex due to the complex payment system. For the successful running of HCO understanding of policies, rules and procedures is of utmost importance(Cleverly,Song , &Cleverly,2011). The integral part of economy of any country is composed of Non-profit organizations because of its valuable services. Unaffordable services are made available and approachable through these organizations. This increases the pressure on such organizations to fill the discrepancies which result in the complexity of the revenue functions. Just like profit organizations such not for profit organizations are also a business and the requirements for revenues has to be met for effective functioning of the organization. Cleverly, W. O., & Song, P. H. & Clevrly,J.O. (2011).Financial Envoirenment of Healthcare Organizations.Essentials Of Healthcare Finance(7th Ed.). Retrieved from
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