Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Movie crash Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Movie crash - Essay Example Racist families inculcate racial believes in their children too and thus throughout their growing period they are trained to become racist however this believe is rejected in the Movie crash where Dillon who was extremely close to his father, whereas his father was not racist at all. Dillon became racist due to the negative experiences he had with his father along with him being a member of LAPD which actually gave birth to his negativity against blacks. There is another scene in the movie depicting the general behavior of US people where a Persian family went to purchase a gun, and the person selling the gun made some racist comments and also spoke about the twin towers and 9/11 incident blaming the Middle Eastern people for that and calling all of them racist. Generally people use such events like 9/11 in order to show their own personal anger and frustration towards different ethnic groups. Sandra Bullock’s character also spoke about the relationship which is shared between the white and black people, where she says that generally if women see black men coming, they will change their way and be called racist however when Sandra did not do that she was caught up with a gun in his head. It is the general concept which is in the heads of US people where all the black men are suppose to be criminals, drug dealers and also thugs. This stereotyping has affected many innocent African Americans as well. Another important black character in the movie was of Ludacris who use to steal cars from white people. Movie also reveals that the stereotyping is not restricted to skin tones only , it is also an integral part of the social class of the people of the US. Cameron is another black character who achieved a lot of success and he was a hardworking man however he was also badly treated by his wife and also his white producer. Cameron was earning a lot of money but for that he was suppose to live a life like a black man but still he always remembered this in

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