Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Activation Study Engage - 951 Words

Engage, Study and Activate can be used in different orders and it depends on what we want to accomplish .However, if we want students to learn effectively, these three moments should be present in lesson sequences in order to make a successful language teaching and learning. (The only limitation is time) The engage moment focus on trying to get students hooked involving their emotions and mind through games, music, discussions, anecdotes, dramatic stories .So somehow, students can feel related to the classroom material. For eg: If you’re going to do a lesson on travel language, you might start off by asking your students a few questions about where they went for their last holidays. Moreover, you can draw their attention by asking them to†¦show more content†¦3. Study: Teacher works with the student on the grammar and vocabulary which caused them trouble during the role-play. Compare their language for where they went wrong. Activate: Sometime later they debate about this issue trying to use everything they have learned. Patchwork lesson: It is presented as EAASASEA 1-engage activate: In the beginning the teacher will show somepictures of peoplewho se heatlhs have been affected by smoking.The students are shocked and comment on theses pictures.In this way they have engaged in this topic. Actiavte: the students make a role play between a doctor and a apatient.And the patient is suffering from cancer caused by drugs. Activate:with interest,the students look at the text’’On Drugs’’.They talk about their feelings about it. Study:The teacher explains new words about this topic in order to have a better understanding and their pronunciation. Activate: then they describe the people surrounding them who have caused disease by drugs Study: the teacher attracts the students’ attention on the adverbial clause of result used in the text:taking drugs is so dangerous. It was such a a dangerous drug that I nearly died .The use of so and such†¦that†¦. Engage:teacher asks questions:why do people smoke?where people can smoke and where cannot? Activate: Writing an essay aboutShow MoreRelatedEssay On Arginine Vasopressin1258 Words   |  6 Pagesnot mean that oxytocin is not related to prosocial behavior but perhaps a particular behavior measured by the study. After all, there is a lot to be learned about what influences the effect of neurobiochemicals like vasopressin and oxytocin on prosocial behavior. It is possible that vasopressin plays a role to promote prosocial behavior insofar that it plays a role in empathy activation. Thompson and colleagues found that nasal administration of AVP resulted in males perceiving faces as more unfriendlyRead MoreRacial Bias From The Console1273 Words   |  6 Pagesmembers as well as indirectly influence one’s behavior during social interaction (McConnell and Leibold). 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